Monday, March 2, 2009

OBAMA: One change natives can believe in


Mr, Barak Obama,
President of the USA,
The White House,
Washington, D. C. 20008

Sir. I have been supporting your position for some time because it is 516 years past time for change in the indigenous arena. Positive change in your Administration will not happen unless the entire cabinet is fresh and I admire your political structure so far, but there are also crusty old bureaucrats that have been cultivating and inheriting their offices for so long that it now seems to be a family enterprise instead of a function of government. I will be happy when that bulwark is ejected from the government and new, strong, positive visionaries are installed. For more than half of a century the Elders and Pukamukas (Wonderful wise people who walked earth before us), prayed at dawn for a changing of the gnarled concepts of racism, hate, suspicion, Apartheid and careless indifference born to our shores and created out of assault, destruction and weaponry. This is a heinous assault upon my people that is justified, pardon and praised by a callus and visionless American society today.

I am an indigenous Professor, born into tribes in California, and I see many areas in basic elementary, through Graduate School curriculums, that must be changed. History upon this hemisphere did not start with Columbus’ importing diseases and criminals into sterling indigenous societies any more than history of the African continent began when Columbus left the Ivory Coast in the 1480’s with a hold full of shackled Africans heading to the slave markets throughout Europe, but too often this is what is fed to natives and Americans in doses too big and confusing to deny. Your curriculum committees in your education departments should look upon this area of education, see the atrophy of worthy information, and create an antidote, then inject the infected study while casting out that which has purpose only in propaganda, and I feel they will.

You are well aware that indigenous creation legends are valid native history, and should not remained branded as “myth.” According to my tribal legends, “our history” begins with Thought alone in the vast. Thought wanted to be something, so changed to voice. Voice wanted to be beautiful so changed to song. Song sang for a “million years or more,” and a little light appeared far away. Song sang and sang until the vast was filled with stars, galaxy’s, Milky Ways. Eventually song sang this earth into presence. At first it was all water, but song created a small island floating upon the water. Much magic and dreaming thrived in those days, and magical, beings appeared. Annikadel was first, then Qan (Silver Fox), then Cloud Maiden. More helpers came to sing, dance and stretch the island into the world we know today, preparing it “…for children coming.” Europe was not a place at that time and in our understanding, Europe is a part of this world, neither older nor more just than any other land. Across this hemisphere indigenous are forced to accept the European paradigm of history and all else identified as “education.” Education, then, remains a guarded institution from Europe, excluding all other forms of indigenous knowledge. A clear-thinking Education committee should address this deception very soon.

Yesterday you selected a person for Secretary of Interior. Secretaries of the interior have been, for centuries, inheriting millions of dollars per year plus the lives and resources of natives across this land, seemingly as his “step-children.” He then collects the money for native health, welfare and education, then neglects the “step-children” with a velocity resulting in penurious, heinous neglect and abuse. Because the Secretary is appointed instead of being voted into office by the natives, his position uses precisely the same strategy as any dictator of any “developing” country. His appointment dictates that his allegiance be to the Congress, and not to the indigenous. The indigenous land and rights become an easy target for the Secretary (like government representatives shooting quail in Texas), as he takes from the natives and delivers his take to the Congress. He then is protected by a comfortable Congress no matter that the “booty” delivered to Congress is pilfered from the indigenous. From a little distance this scenario looks much like a dope deal with the Congress receiving the lion’s share.

This, sir, is an area that screams for immediate change. A dictator should not be encouraged in a Democracy.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs could be re-named the Bureau of Congressional Affairs, because the will of Congress has always been driving the Indian Bureau, not the needs of indigenous. Within the Bureau of Congressional Affairs there could be an Office for American Affairs because the current intention of the Indian Bureau is to stand for American interests and against the indigenous purposes.

Should indigenous considerations ever be weighed in governmental agencies, the non-native “experts” must be made mute and their slanted logic and questionable knowledge must be extracted from any opinion involving indigenous. In their finest moment, “experts” have historically maintained an arena where the knowledge and wisdom of natives remains a feeble act coupled with questionable eloquence. The “experts” need not talk for natives. We have polished that activity in the vast universities across this land, yet we remain neglected in our honed state as if we yet sit by the side of the trail rusting while the strategically armed procession marches into the west to master it. Sir, this Apartheid must be recognized, arrested, and disposed.

Thank you Mr. President. Many children are writing letters to you today. Please read their thoughts before you read this one. I am sure their messages are pristine and filled with sterling dreams for the future of America while they hold your hand and in their other hand, their hearts. Sincerely,

Sul’ma’ejote (aka)
Darryl Babe Wilson,

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