Monday, September 20, 2010


June 30, 1998, San Jose, CA


In response to a news article circulating in Holland, “Americans are Older than Ice Age,” just know Americans are not older than the ice age. Americans have a definite date of their emergence upon the theater of politics, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, just not long ago. (“The unanimous Declaration of thirteen United States of America” and reaffirmed by the Articles of Confederation, 1778. The Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of California, pp 20 and 24).

However, the origin of the native people of the western hemisphere is a very different narrative, and something that must be constantly defined and defended as more garbled information emerges from various institutions of the “civilized” world, that tend to muddle intruding and greedy Americans, people of good heart, and indigenous into one social suggestion.

I am original native from NE California (Itami Is on my mother’s side and Aw’te on my fathers). Our homeland is many miles from Holland. According to the legends of my people, our homeland was the first land area upon this earth created from song and dance by Silver Fox long ago when he came here from the land beyond the stars. It is said he came here on a rope made of songs. The lack of understanding by many academic Americans does not allow them the capacity to fathom this event because it is not written on 20# white bond paper and filed on the appropriate shelf in the library. If it is written on stones in the valley or on cave walls, and not in English only, they cannot understand it and to their nebulous, one-dimensional reasoning, it is invalid.

Earth is here and beautiful, sun is here and beautiful, moon and universe are here and beautiful. All of nature is “proof” according to indigenous legends, yet these things do not comprise “proof” for refined and “civilized” thoughts squatting in citadels called university.

The world of academics can neither understand nor accept the oral literature of the original beings living upon the western hemisphere as valid narration. Instead the educated population of both “America” and Europe scoff at indigenous narratives branding them as illegitimate because they do not agree with the European social plan and the explanation they have fabricated for their own existence.

Presently I am in Santa Cruz, CA, investigating how to unravel a single indigenous history that is scrambled in all of the academic disciplines beginning with grade one and continuing through the Ph. D. process.

How many academic scholars willingly accept that their ancestors were and remain psychotic, murdering, heinous invaders into the western continent? Not many. How many of them are convinced their ancestors were peaceful adventurers and explorers? Nearly all. But, no matter what they accept as their identity, they were and remain beyond cruel to the native people since first contact and have remained in the assault-indigenous mode since fall, 1492.

Excuses for the European invasion into the western hemisphere are legion, and new ones are contrived and fed to the world via education, daily. This wild guess from a European brain is a continuing fragment of that paradigm. A social anthropologist of Holland asked me to respond to this gem of academic confusion.

This article and the lack of sound reasoning that produced it make my spirit tremble. The author knows that there are many gullible people throughout the “civilized” world who refuse to search for reasonable truths, but take guess-work as fact, translate the “facts” in the caverns of their brains, and spew their thoughts out to society thinking that something new and worthwhile has been accomplished, while another brick added to the academic mountain of confusion is the only result.

“Real evidence about the age of Americans has too come from diggings.” Again I must establish that Americans have an exact date of when they arrived upon the political expanse, not many years ago. It is a recent event, and indigenous writers must labor diligently to maintain a separation between the histories of this continent and the histories produced by strange and foreign entities. The invaders have been here (with the intent of staying, possessing and damaging) for just 500+ years.

Indigenous have been on this continent since earth began its journey around the sun. Our history is in oral literature. It is in our instructions from spirit beings that dwell in the universe and beyond, and it is also in our heart-spirit. And while foreigners dig around in earth for support of their imaginings that other people lived here long ago and indigenous are invaders, too, they might find that this land has been traveled by people of the world in every generation, and eons before Europeans invaded it. Their digging will reveal, too, that other people had enough respect to go home and not start a wave of destruction to life upon this hemisphere that has lasted for 500-years now with no sign of abatement upon the most distant horizon. Some visitors are buried here because they were not cremated as is the cultural practice of indigenous.

Too, bone and stone scholars of the many academies could stop digging around earth disturbing delicate ceremonies and ask natives the history of the indigenous. It may be because indigenous rarely trust scholars with truth and wisdom because the scholar does not report what indigenous say, but records what he thinks his university wants to hear. Besides, the understanding, the wisdom, the knowledge that scholars should be searching for cannot be found under a rock. It is in indigenous. In the historic narratives and it is also pronounced by all of nature. Indigenous did not have to write things as “proof.” Indigenous simply did not lie. Some day the scholars will drop their shovels and picks and cease disturbing the bones of our ancestors and dinosaurs, and look around with a silly expression on their faces, when they realize it is the lie that requires “proof” in writing and in law (with weapons to defend it), not truth.

“So far it was assumed that 11,000 years ago a people inhabited America for the first time. The indications that the earliest immigrants came much earlier are getting stronger. Research about the subject may become a problem for the Indians.”

The scientific explanation or assumption of the time line concerning early or earlier immigrants into the western hemisphere by humans is not “a problem for Indians” at all but a problem for academics who long for their guess work to assume the mantle of paradigm and some day be accepted by an unaware public when it magically changes to a doctrine. Some assumptions do, some do not. Therefore it is extremely important for the academies to put forth researchers who create many assumptions.

According to our oral histories, all of nature and life was created. Then, last to be created was people. People were made from the forks of berry bushes and were created last in order to appreciate and honor all that was made before them. Everything was created beautiful from beautiful dreams and songs. It must be loved, cherished and protected and that is the responsibility of humans.

“Europeans have to laugh sometimes when they hear talking about “old” things in America. The highly developed cultures in America are after all hundreds till thousands years younger than the ones of the old world. And even Americans themselves don’t exist that long yet.”

Many anthropology experts in European and American colleges and universities like to guess that somehow the western hemisphere was not populated at all, that natives somehow entered as immigrants, wanderers and could not improve it. This guesswork is to soften the military invasion by Europeans dead bent on genocide of indigenous and to somehow pardon their continual malice aforethought military occupation, now for more than 500-years.

It is clear to the indigenous, since Columbus’ unwelcome arrival, that this European author (who feathers into the multitude of the European-based misinformed) is feeding from the scientific paradigms that has been offered to the world’s educated beings ever since historians decided that the Holy Bible was the fountain of history. However, since the Bible failed to mention the western hemisphere, Europeans did not know then nor do they know now what to think or how to act when this fully populated continent was bumped into by lost people wandering and desperately hoping for a place to rest.

The whole earth, according to my ancient people, was created at the same time from beautiful dreams and beautiful songs. Therefore, there cannot be one part of earth older or younger than any other. The “new” world filled with abundance was not “new.” It was simply cared for like a garden, respected and loved, and it was in balance with all other life here. Comparing it to a ragged, abused, misused, neglected, damaged and disease-promoting, dirty Europe, it looked new. That was only 500years ago. Now America is only moments from becoming a welfare state, damaged beyond repair as resources are continually being used up by ill-informed Nilludawi (wanderers).

To the indigenous this hemisphere was home. It has been nurtured by traditional thoughts and continual “good talk.” Indigenous were instructed to balance families with life surrounding us, and we did, because we received much instruction from the great powers living everywhere in the universe.

It seems God gave instructions to the Europeans, too. “Thou shalt kill indigenous. Thou shalt possesseth earth. Thou shalt dominate it. Thou shalt ignore the spiritual essence of earth and life as thou assault it again and gain, damaging everything thou toucheth.”

EuroAmerican historians and scholars must emerge from the academic dungeons where they cultivate tunnel vision caked with ice ages. The western hemisphere was not created empty. Children are not born a blank slate. This hemisphere was created with abundance and it was beautiful. Children come complete but delicate.

One day ignorance and indifference entered this hemisphere from the European continent. In the short time Europeans have occupied this land they have managed to damage land and ocean severely, maybe beyond repair.

While the Americans rush to establishing that this continent was barren until Europeans invaded, an invasion that was just in the nick of time because all indigenous were destroying each other and the European presence quelled that terrible action, simple world knowledge holds that paradigm as insipid, at best. But there are still whispers that quite possibly the Europeans brought the wind and the sunshine, too.

Simply because Europeans and Americans refuse to believe indigenous legends and oral history passed verbally from generation to generation, (neither can they translate the history “written” on the rocks of the mountains and valleys), does not prove the information invalid. Because God did not translate the rock written history and deliver the formula in the Bible, does not prove invalidity. Because academics selectively and intentionally ignore indigenous wisdom, does not render it historically valueless.

Reason clearly for a single moment –please. If Columbus came from there, heaven must be a terribly filthy disease- infested place complete with an abundance of murderous thoughts and intentions. Too, it must be devoid of dreams.

The European/Americans have inherited a special need to disenfranchise the original natives of the western hemisphere. This seems to be in order for them to feel better about their ever changing and carelessly invented paradigms. Their ridiculous suggestion that natives invaded this continent in the far north during an ice age, then filtered down the continent to the very tip islands of South America by a long journey has been academically contrived to somehow pardon the European invasion into this hemisphere with fire, guns, other weapons and their uncontrollable ability to commit deadly, multiplying crimes against humanity while bragging about their deeds that must have been directed by a hideously wicked and psychologically deranged God.

“Civilized” teachers must emerge from their tunnel-vision citadels in academia and take a long look at the world. This continent was not empty just waiting for a lost band of pirates to bring new life, new plants, and new animals as history bugles, neither are children born as blank slates, as education bugles.

Americans rush out and establish through education that this continent was an empty place thankfully filled after the Europeans “discovered it. Then they convince other people here with roots in Europe this ridiculous idea. Today, should a gullible person listen long enough, s/he could soon be convinced the sunshine and rainbows came from Europe on a boat, too.

A university refusing to acknowledge the oral narratives and ancient tribal histories passed from one generation to the next sans the crutch writing, does not make the information invalid.

“But in America, skulls have been found which differ a great deal from the normal Indian. This is a disadvantage for the present Indians. They have certain rights in the Unite States because of remains of original Americans. Already claims like that are disputed in court. And maybe some day it turns out, when it comes to taking the prairies, the Indians are just as guilty as the white man.”

The European/Americans have been saddled with a special need to disenfranchise the original natives of the western hemisphere. This is in order to cause their penetration into the western hemisphere to appear as simply a second wave of visitors while they hope their paradigms that the Indians invaded this hemisphere at the far north and filtered down to the tip of South America on a meandering journey continue their severely crooked path. They have a need to pardon each other for entering our homelands with weapons, diseases and fire, and an uncontrollable need to commit heinous crimes while dancing with their God as our villages and crops burned and our children were dismembered and chopped up and used for dog food. My Elders would say that is not a good way to visit because it is too much “disrespects.”

Still I wait for European man to discover where Europeans came from. Perhaps it is a messy reality better left alone but truth will surface sometime and it will be examined. Academics have created much fiction out of “Western History” and they intend to continue upon that path created from crooked ideas and empty dreams.

So it may never be realized, by academics, that there was no “taking of the prairies” by indigenous but there was an accepting of a gift from Great Wonder and Great Spirit which requires a commitment for natives to love, honor, respect, and care for Mother Earth with tender devotion. The instructions Elders left us with, to salvage little earth now, is to take children out to the mountain tops at dawn to sing Ye’ja (love medicine song) from their hearts. Universe will bounce song back to precious and damaged little earth. That is all.

Sul’ma’ejote (AKA)
Darryl Babe Wilson