Saturday, April 24, 2010



(One Dream)

Should I live for another ten years I will feel very fortunate (I cannot expect to live for a hundred snows), but it was not long ago, at the time of European intrusion into this hemisphere, that indigenous upon this entire continent lived a balanced life for 300 snows or more. I was born on the northern half of this western hemisphere. At that time the Elders among us were few and scattered. The diaspora (scattering) and genocidal tactics used against indigenous that began at first contact with evil assault plans birthed upon the European continent and transported here in multiplying multitudes, continues unbridled in the year 2010 and there is no solution upon the horizon that will allow this thought to recede, fade, or vanish: Divide and Conquer. This tactic promoted the invasion and assault of the world, by various Kingdoms demanding gold. In the instance of the initial invaders assaulting this hemisphere, gold in sufficient amounts allowing the Spanish Crown to purchase an army. That activity of “finding” this hemisphere was first an accident. Soon it grew to become a discovery and land-claim by fearless adventurers, then was fed to the warped allegiance of Historians by “the power” to manipulate history and continue the justification of The Doctrine of Discovery, authorizing sovereign right to destroy humanity while seizing land. Next, emerging from a news editorial (which was catapulted into Doctrine status), Manifest Destiny forgave the atrocities committed by the invading forces which encouraged a new fever in indigenous destruction and indigenous homeland grabbing by other waves of invading “citizens.”
When I was in grade one, beginning my academic journey, I explained to my Elders how Columbus “found” us. A Grandmother looked long at me then asked. “Did this person find the sun, too? This land was never ‘lost’ any more than the sun was lost.”
Should one explore “discovery” and “doctrine” in a worthy dictionary and with a clear mind, s/he will find that the Doctrine of Discovery means that two people can happen upon anything and the first who claims to see it first is the discoverer. In the instance of the western hemisphere, the “discovery” was a vast continent inhabited by 800-million indigenous beings. For the “doctrine” to bear legitimate fruit, one must assume that the millions of indigenous inhabitants upon this western continent were blind! One “civilized” way to fortify this societal accusation of myopia is to change the languages of the indigenous and distort their habits and world-views through the process of assimilation/acculturation, an alteration that damages indigenous children as much as cannons, bullets, swords and poisons.
The history of the penetration of pirates from the European continent into indigenous homelands, written by the invading pirates is accepted by too many scholars, both foreign and indigenous. That poorly reported and often fabricated chronicle must be questioned, most certainly by the indigenous scholars.
There are strange, intruding language-forces yet dominating this hemisphere and the indigenous beings upon this hemisphere, causing one indigenous camp to look askance at the other. The strange languages are English and Spanish. The arrogance of the English language reinforced by the presence of God, and the power of the Spanish language reinforced with the strength of the Pope and the Catholic Church, are formidable structures to confront. These structures present an immense division among the indigenous. By employing this strange formula, the English-speaking native and the Spanish speaking native often hold each suspect of being foreign! An English colonized English-speaking native from the north will hold the Spanish colonized Spanish-speaking native from the south in the “foreign” arena even though the Spanish speaking native is a full-blood-native Spanish-speaker and is to a greater degree original native than the English-speaker making the crude and hasty judgment.
This confusion is accomplished by distorting the native languages and world-views. This distortion promotes and protects the assumption of “truths” residing in the act of assimilation, and invites indigenous loyalty to strange beings and their strange habits, actions that continue to erode the gentle spirit among indigenous peoples everywhere. Those invading and foreign habits devoid of protection and promotion would, like an autumn leaf, dry and fall from the present to be raked and discarded in the abyss of uselessness.
Our ancient ancestors that learned from their ancient ancestors who studied this hemisphere and cherished the life-forces said,

* “Hamis hatiji (One heart),
hamis Aw’te (one people),
hamis himal (one mind),
hamis ahti (one blood),
hamis telamji (one spirit),
hamis tasoqjami (one dream), from tip to tip”

(meaning, from the tip of South America to the North Pole). In order for the indigenous inhabitants of this western hemisphere to appreciate the boundless love of our ancient beings and to conduct our lives and its purposes issued to us as an undamaged dream, this generation must lift the curtain of Apartheid/Democracy (identify them as twins) smothering our instincts, cast them off, and follow the foot steps of our ancestors, for that path leads to the dawning of our respect and responsibilities as original indigenous dwelling upon this earth. Too, that path will reveal the necessity of our understanding. It is a good path. This path awaits our happy laughter, our delicate songs, our dedicated dances. Hayyaw, (younger brother) Enunja (little sister), Hisnawa (young warriors), it is a dream of Pukemuka (wonderful wise beings who walked earth before us), therefore it is tijtawa (genuine).

Gedn’ch’lumnu (This must be so).

* The language of my Grandmother and Grandfather are not the same. Here I weave both languages to complete the necessay thought.


Friday, April 9, 2010



While I was dong advanced academic study at the University of Arizona, I learned what I had been taught to suspect, that the tribal principle of itspo’e’otisi is ignored in all historic and legal recordings between indigenous and the colonizers. This is a tribal continent. Americans employ here every language (bastardized) on the European continent but ignores language and principles from this hemisphere. That is why it is necessary in America to tell lies in court after you swear to God you will be truthful, and after you are ordered to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

At this time we must review the meaning of itspo’e’otisi, mostly for those indigenous colonized by America and for those indigenous colonized by Spain, and, equally, the Supreme Courts of the land and the world.

Itspo’e’otisi is not a misspelling of something already misspelled, it is a meaning, within a spoken language. Attempts to translate living languages usually results in disappointment and despair for both sides. However, this is a term used to invite someone to view the purposes moving within the heart of the other and having that same opportunity for “other” to look into the first person’s heart, and seek avenues for both parties to know that honesty is the foundation of their intentions:



This concept is totally lacking in any endeavor where American law and American history abound. Anthropology and Linguistics have caused their fair share of damage, especially where linear thinking must be employed to some how translate a spoken language. Often the intentions of those recordings were noble, but, like Ramsey Bone Blake said, “They (Europeans) just don’t have understandings.”

When the Europeans first looked upon our dances and heard our songs they said that our songs were created by the devil and our dances were Satanic. Today their descendants view indigenous morning talks with the Great Universe Powers with askance and have not yet, with civility, inquired what it is that we do at dawn. Many will never experience the connections that we are instructed to maintain between the life-sweet spirit dwelling within all hearts and the Great Wonders of the vast universe.

As the old council instructed I entered the Supreme study of the hallowed University system to “Learn how to use words like bullets because that is the way America uses words against us.” Standing in the center of that arena I could clearly see how the Supreme Laws of the land were manipulated by the Supreme Court and the Congress as they united Supreme Thoughts while stealing thousands of Supreme square miles of homeland from the natives on this northern hemisphere, praising each other for their Supreme Accomplishments. I watched local land offices dole Supreme land titles of its own making to strangers and foreigners, while denying that the indigenous hold aboriginal title (internationally recognized) to that land, and that title is alive and yet dwells in the original people.

I discovered world laws twisted and distorted until the court system “found satisfaction under the law.” Whenever a land was invaded the law givers encouraged the foreigners to exclude human rights and to freely exchange land titles and to never think about honor, justice, or prior and original, indigenous rights to Aboriginal Title. At the same time the Supreme Halls of academia sent anthropologists out to prove that the Indigenous were trespassers, too, just in a prior sequence having stumbled to this hemisphere recently across the Bering Strait when water was at ebb, looking for something to kill. The Supreme Lying by the Supreme Congress and a variety of Supreme Administrators is yet thick, hegemonic and billowing like black smog over the Great American stratosphere, yet the clouds of political pollution continues to be invisible to the World Court system, a system of law comfortably residing thousands of miles away from this hemisphere at the World Court of Justice, Den Haag. These activities convinced my people that, yes, justice is blind but it is also deaf, dumb, and courting dishonesty in a variety of horrid flavors.

I also found that the same laws that chastised and damaged natives were often protective of the invading foreign hordes. Why? How? How could the law not find one invading, trespassing foreigner violating any law, but native children, by simply breathing, were an obstacle that could only be overcome by powerful acts of aggravated mutilation finalized in arson to the village and to the landscape. The urgency in my old tribal council rang loudly in my ears, “You must learn how to use words like bullets.”

Then I thumbed through volumes of “American” and “World” histories seeing how Democracy employed “Manifest Destiny” (“manifest” and “destiny” were doodled together on a napkin in a coffee shop by a newspaper man needing a subject for an editorial) as a “doctrine” to excuse Europeans for invading and assaulting natives throughout the world, and to justify nefarious deeds centuries before Manifest Destiny was simply a spliced news topic in an editorial column in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

The degree of world destruction was alarming. I closed a hefty volume and meandered in the sunshine and warmth of a spring day. The day was pleasant. My thoughts were alarmed. I thought how sweet life could be if only invading societies in history would have taken the time to employ itspo’e’otisi as the natives practiced it. Liberty and Justice then would be pleasant, instead of being confused. abused and angry. Wars and conflict would never have been born, and Democracy would never have matured into the foundation of world conflict, but would be a medication for us all.

My thoughts about Hollywood, history, and genocide are for another day, not for today.
