June 30, 1998, San Jose, CA
In response to a news article circulating in Holland, “Americans are Older than Ice Age,” just know Americans are not older than the ice age. Americans have a definite date of their emergence upon the theater of politics, at the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, just not long ago. (“The unanimous Declaration of thirteen United States of America” and reaffirmed by the Articles of Confederation, 1778. The Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of California, pp 20 and 24).
However, the origin of the native people of the western hemisphere is a very different narrative, and something that must be constantly defined and defended as more garbled information emerges from various institutions of the “civilized” world, that tend to muddle intruding and greedy Americans, people of good heart, and indigenous into one social suggestion.
I am original native from NE California (Itami Is on my mother’s side and Aw’te on my fathers). Our homeland is many miles from Holland. According to the legends of my people, our homeland was the first land area upon this earth created from song and dance by Silver Fox long ago when he came here from the land beyond the stars. It is said he came here on a rope made of songs. The lack of understanding by many academic Americans does not allow them the capacity to fathom this event because it is not written on 20# white bond paper and filed on the appropriate shelf in the library. If it is written on stones in the valley or on cave walls, and not in English only, they cannot understand it and to their nebulous, one-dimensional reasoning, it is invalid.
Earth is here and beautiful, sun is here and beautiful, moon and universe are here and beautiful. All of nature is “proof” according to indigenous legends, yet these things do not comprise “proof” for refined and “civilized” thoughts squatting in citadels called university.
The world of academics can neither understand nor accept the oral literature of the original beings living upon the western hemisphere as valid narration. Instead the educated population of both “America” and Europe scoff at indigenous narratives branding them as illegitimate because they do not agree with the European social plan and the explanation they have fabricated for their own existence.
Presently I am in Santa Cruz, CA, investigating how to unravel a single indigenous history that is scrambled in all of the academic disciplines beginning with grade one and continuing through the Ph. D. process.
How many academic scholars willingly accept that their ancestors were and remain psychotic, murdering, heinous invaders into the western continent? Not many. How many of them are convinced their ancestors were peaceful adventurers and explorers? Nearly all. But, no matter what they accept as their identity, they were and remain beyond cruel to the native people since first contact and have remained in the assault-indigenous mode since fall, 1492.
Excuses for the European invasion into the western hemisphere are legion, and new ones are contrived and fed to the world via education, daily. This wild guess from a European brain is a continuing fragment of that paradigm. A social anthropologist of Holland asked me to respond to this gem of academic confusion.
This article and the lack of sound reasoning that produced it make my spirit tremble. The author knows that there are many gullible people throughout the “civilized” world who refuse to search for reasonable truths, but take guess-work as fact, translate the “facts” in the caverns of their brains, and spew their thoughts out to society thinking that something new and worthwhile has been accomplished, while another brick added to the academic mountain of confusion is the only result.
“Real evidence about the age of Americans has too come from diggings.” Again I must establish that Americans have an exact date of when they arrived upon the political expanse, not many years ago. It is a recent event, and indigenous writers must labor diligently to maintain a separation between the histories of this continent and the histories produced by strange and foreign entities. The invaders have been here (with the intent of staying, possessing and damaging) for just 500+ years.
Indigenous have been on this continent since earth began its journey around the sun. Our history is in oral literature. It is in our instructions from spirit beings that dwell in the universe and beyond, and it is also in our heart-spirit. And while foreigners dig around in earth for support of their imaginings that other people lived here long ago and indigenous are invaders, too, they might find that this land has been traveled by people of the world in every generation, and eons before Europeans invaded it. Their digging will reveal, too, that other people had enough respect to go home and not start a wave of destruction to life upon this hemisphere that has lasted for 500-years now with no sign of abatement upon the most distant horizon. Some visitors are buried here because they were not cremated as is the cultural practice of indigenous.
Too, bone and stone scholars of the many academies could stop digging around earth disturbing delicate ceremonies and ask natives the history of the indigenous. It may be because indigenous rarely trust scholars with truth and wisdom because the scholar does not report what indigenous say, but records what he thinks his university wants to hear. Besides, the understanding, the wisdom, the knowledge that scholars should be searching for cannot be found under a rock. It is in indigenous. In the historic narratives and it is also pronounced by all of nature. Indigenous did not have to write things as “proof.” Indigenous simply did not lie. Some day the scholars will drop their shovels and picks and cease disturbing the bones of our ancestors and dinosaurs, and look around with a silly expression on their faces, when they realize it is the lie that requires “proof” in writing and in law (with weapons to defend it), not truth.
“So far it was assumed that 11,000 years ago a people inhabited America for the first time. The indications that the earliest immigrants came much earlier are getting stronger. Research about the subject may become a problem for the Indians.”
The scientific explanation or assumption of the time line concerning early or earlier immigrants into the western hemisphere by humans is not “a problem for Indians” at all but a problem for academics who long for their guess work to assume the mantle of paradigm and some day be accepted by an unaware public when it magically changes to a doctrine. Some assumptions do, some do not. Therefore it is extremely important for the academies to put forth researchers who create many assumptions.
According to our oral histories, all of nature and life was created. Then, last to be created was people. People were made from the forks of berry bushes and were created last in order to appreciate and honor all that was made before them. Everything was created beautiful from beautiful dreams and songs. It must be loved, cherished and protected and that is the responsibility of humans.
“Europeans have to laugh sometimes when they hear talking about “old” things in America. The highly developed cultures in America are after all hundreds till thousands years younger than the ones of the old world. And even Americans themselves don’t exist that long yet.”
Many anthropology experts in European and American colleges and universities like to guess that somehow the western hemisphere was not populated at all, that natives somehow entered as immigrants, wanderers and could not improve it. This guesswork is to soften the military invasion by Europeans dead bent on genocide of indigenous and to somehow pardon their continual malice aforethought military occupation, now for more than 500-years.
It is clear to the indigenous, since Columbus’ unwelcome arrival, that this European author (who feathers into the multitude of the European-based misinformed) is feeding from the scientific paradigms that has been offered to the world’s educated beings ever since historians decided that the Holy Bible was the fountain of history. However, since the Bible failed to mention the western hemisphere, Europeans did not know then nor do they know now what to think or how to act when this fully populated continent was bumped into by lost people wandering and desperately hoping for a place to rest.
The whole earth, according to my ancient people, was created at the same time from beautiful dreams and beautiful songs. Therefore, there cannot be one part of earth older or younger than any other. The “new” world filled with abundance was not “new.” It was simply cared for like a garden, respected and loved, and it was in balance with all other life here. Comparing it to a ragged, abused, misused, neglected, damaged and disease-promoting, dirty Europe, it looked new. That was only 500years ago. Now America is only moments from becoming a welfare state, damaged beyond repair as resources are continually being used up by ill-informed Nilludawi (wanderers).
To the indigenous this hemisphere was home. It has been nurtured by traditional thoughts and continual “good talk.” Indigenous were instructed to balance families with life surrounding us, and we did, because we received much instruction from the great powers living everywhere in the universe.
It seems God gave instructions to the Europeans, too. “Thou shalt kill indigenous. Thou shalt possesseth earth. Thou shalt dominate it. Thou shalt ignore the spiritual essence of earth and life as thou assault it again and gain, damaging everything thou toucheth.”
EuroAmerican historians and scholars must emerge from the academic dungeons where they cultivate tunnel vision caked with ice ages. The western hemisphere was not created empty. Children are not born a blank slate. This hemisphere was created with abundance and it was beautiful. Children come complete but delicate.
One day ignorance and indifference entered this hemisphere from the European continent. In the short time Europeans have occupied this land they have managed to damage land and ocean severely, maybe beyond repair.
While the Americans rush to establishing that this continent was barren until Europeans invaded, an invasion that was just in the nick of time because all indigenous were destroying each other and the European presence quelled that terrible action, simple world knowledge holds that paradigm as insipid, at best. But there are still whispers that quite possibly the Europeans brought the wind and the sunshine, too.
Simply because Europeans and Americans refuse to believe indigenous legends and oral history passed verbally from generation to generation, (neither can they translate the history “written” on the rocks of the mountains and valleys), does not prove the information invalid. Because God did not translate the rock written history and deliver the formula in the Bible, does not prove invalidity. Because academics selectively and intentionally ignore indigenous wisdom, does not render it historically valueless.
Reason clearly for a single moment –please. If Columbus came from there, heaven must be a terribly filthy disease- infested place complete with an abundance of murderous thoughts and intentions. Too, it must be devoid of dreams.
The European/Americans have inherited a special need to disenfranchise the original natives of the western hemisphere. This seems to be in order for them to feel better about their ever changing and carelessly invented paradigms. Their ridiculous suggestion that natives invaded this continent in the far north during an ice age, then filtered down the continent to the very tip islands of South America by a long journey has been academically contrived to somehow pardon the European invasion into this hemisphere with fire, guns, other weapons and their uncontrollable ability to commit deadly, multiplying crimes against humanity while bragging about their deeds that must have been directed by a hideously wicked and psychologically deranged God.
“Civilized” teachers must emerge from their tunnel-vision citadels in academia and take a long look at the world. This continent was not empty just waiting for a lost band of pirates to bring new life, new plants, and new animals as history bugles, neither are children born as blank slates, as education bugles.
Americans rush out and establish through education that this continent was an empty place thankfully filled after the Europeans “discovered it. Then they convince other people here with roots in Europe this ridiculous idea. Today, should a gullible person listen long enough, s/he could soon be convinced the sunshine and rainbows came from Europe on a boat, too.
A university refusing to acknowledge the oral narratives and ancient tribal histories passed from one generation to the next sans the crutch writing, does not make the information invalid.
“But in America, skulls have been found which differ a great deal from the normal Indian. This is a disadvantage for the present Indians. They have certain rights in the Unite States because of remains of original Americans. Already claims like that are disputed in court. And maybe some day it turns out, when it comes to taking the prairies, the Indians are just as guilty as the white man.”
The European/Americans have been saddled with a special need to disenfranchise the original natives of the western hemisphere. This is in order to cause their penetration into the western hemisphere to appear as simply a second wave of visitors while they hope their paradigms that the Indians invaded this hemisphere at the far north and filtered down to the tip of South America on a meandering journey continue their severely crooked path. They have a need to pardon each other for entering our homelands with weapons, diseases and fire, and an uncontrollable need to commit heinous crimes while dancing with their God as our villages and crops burned and our children were dismembered and chopped up and used for dog food. My Elders would say that is not a good way to visit because it is too much “disrespects.”
Still I wait for European man to discover where Europeans came from. Perhaps it is a messy reality better left alone but truth will surface sometime and it will be examined. Academics have created much fiction out of “Western History” and they intend to continue upon that path created from crooked ideas and empty dreams.
So it may never be realized, by academics, that there was no “taking of the prairies” by indigenous but there was an accepting of a gift from Great Wonder and Great Spirit which requires a commitment for natives to love, honor, respect, and care for Mother Earth with tender devotion. The instructions Elders left us with, to salvage little earth now, is to take children out to the mountain tops at dawn to sing Ye’ja (love medicine song) from their hearts. Universe will bounce song back to precious and damaged little earth. That is all.
Sul’ma’ejote (AKA)
Darryl Babe Wilson
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
03-11-2009 Bella Vista, San Jose
To honor responsibility, at the World Court of Justice and other international courts beyond immediate American influence, Aboriginal Title, Rights and Protections pertaining to the western hemisphere must be adjudicated. The power and force of world bodies must be brought to bear upon any entity that heretofore has not established rights and protections for Aboriginal land title and the aboriginal people from whence that title emanates, and those fraud-based titles issued between illegal states and invading individuals must find annulment, and that decision must, for the respect of justice, be vigorously enforced.
Those aboriginal who have consciously and deliberately joined with the invading forces by committing tribal treason or cultural sedition must find equal treatment as that of the occupying forces. For within themselves they volunteered to and have abandoned the wisdoms and intentions of the ancestors knowing that earth is our mother and we have no right to sell her or to prostitute her to any force within this universe. This thought must not be abandoned as incidental.
In defense of aboriginal land title, the argument should find: Where Aboriginal Title can be proven as valid, alive, and not compromised in any manner, state and federal law have no right in law to issue land titles without consent or authorization of the indigenous people living upon and claiming their traditional land area because aboriginal title has never been annulled, extinguished, legally exchanged, or abandoned.
In America, and much of the world, ignoring indigenous has matured into a deceptive habit that has acted as though the laws are fulfilled and satisfied. Too often the ignoring of aboriginal people and their rights has found no solace in the attitudes of the courts or the masses of Europeans who must yet be held in the capacity of invaders. The ignoring of the indigenous is too commonly accepted as a fulfilling of the established rule of law which suggests international law. Ignoring the violated person(s) is not the fulfillment of the natural laws of humanity neither should it be viewed as satisfying any semblance of justice. The heinous crime of invasion and the nefarious crime of theft and mass murder have been committed and the assault has not abated. Upon the world stage the rule of law must be satisfied to those damaged and defiled, not to those invading and damaging.
The crime of murder involving 200-million aboriginals of this hemisphere will one day find adjudication, but, again, the court hearing that case must assemble beyond the land claimed by America or it will forever be entangle in a web of lies wrapped around with deception for “America” is a fabrication held together with half-truths and its foundation is diseased by its lack of reality. America’s entire program is a displaced practice from Europe and claims being real while using stolen aboriginal land for their right of existence. “America the beautiful,” is really “America the undutiful,” neither is it “The land of the free,” but “The land filled with foreign debris” It will come to pass that the invading forces and the communities those forces spawned will be excused to return to Europe carrying their debris, their diseases, and their form of civilization.
In America justice is relegated to the position of being not only “blind,” but absent-minded and feeble while it relies upon defective laws to somehow salvage itself from its defects, but any young person who has struggled out of education’s straight jacket and has taken a fresh look around knows there is much deception involving much of the world and all of America. Education is not “education,” but a rote training course that instructs: “Don’t question government. Pay your taxes. Don’t make ripples. Salute the flag”
The aboriginal of the western hemisphere have a gargantuan task ahead. We must remind the forces that invaded our homelands that they are yet an unwelcome presence and that any people invited to this land by the military occupation and created “lawful” land claims, because of the fact of military occupation, are yet that, occupiers and their “lawful” claims are null and void. Because the masses of Americans are here under military protection only provides occupation under false pretense and all of the land titles manufactured by the invading force that are exchanged between the invaders and do not emit from aboriginals must be held mute and annulled as fraud.
Then we must establish that it is not the truth that requires guns to protect it, but the lie
The European crusade against aboriginals must end. Only the indigenous can effectively accomplish this. We must now stand together, invoke the truth and power of our sterling ancestors, reignite their dreams of our future, and hold our hearts in our hands with all of our dreams in our hearts, while we are ever walking to the sunrise singing a power song to Mother Earth.
Justice and truth do not emerge from the barrel of a gun, political power does. It will come to be, once the lies of political occupation of invade homelands are adjudicated throughout the world, that justice and truth will emerge with a frightening velocity.
In 1972 “Grampa” David Monongye of Hopi said, “Justice will come across the land like the dawn.” Gedin’ch’lumnu.
To honor responsibility, at the World Court of Justice and other international courts beyond immediate American influence, Aboriginal Title, Rights and Protections pertaining to the western hemisphere must be adjudicated. The power and force of world bodies must be brought to bear upon any entity that heretofore has not established rights and protections for Aboriginal land title and the aboriginal people from whence that title emanates, and those fraud-based titles issued between illegal states and invading individuals must find annulment, and that decision must, for the respect of justice, be vigorously enforced.
Those aboriginal who have consciously and deliberately joined with the invading forces by committing tribal treason or cultural sedition must find equal treatment as that of the occupying forces. For within themselves they volunteered to and have abandoned the wisdoms and intentions of the ancestors knowing that earth is our mother and we have no right to sell her or to prostitute her to any force within this universe. This thought must not be abandoned as incidental.
In defense of aboriginal land title, the argument should find: Where Aboriginal Title can be proven as valid, alive, and not compromised in any manner, state and federal law have no right in law to issue land titles without consent or authorization of the indigenous people living upon and claiming their traditional land area because aboriginal title has never been annulled, extinguished, legally exchanged, or abandoned.
In America, and much of the world, ignoring indigenous has matured into a deceptive habit that has acted as though the laws are fulfilled and satisfied. Too often the ignoring of aboriginal people and their rights has found no solace in the attitudes of the courts or the masses of Europeans who must yet be held in the capacity of invaders. The ignoring of the indigenous is too commonly accepted as a fulfilling of the established rule of law which suggests international law. Ignoring the violated person(s) is not the fulfillment of the natural laws of humanity neither should it be viewed as satisfying any semblance of justice. The heinous crime of invasion and the nefarious crime of theft and mass murder have been committed and the assault has not abated. Upon the world stage the rule of law must be satisfied to those damaged and defiled, not to those invading and damaging.
The crime of murder involving 200-million aboriginals of this hemisphere will one day find adjudication, but, again, the court hearing that case must assemble beyond the land claimed by America or it will forever be entangle in a web of lies wrapped around with deception for “America” is a fabrication held together with half-truths and its foundation is diseased by its lack of reality. America’s entire program is a displaced practice from Europe and claims being real while using stolen aboriginal land for their right of existence. “America the beautiful,” is really “America the undutiful,” neither is it “The land of the free,” but “The land filled with foreign debris” It will come to pass that the invading forces and the communities those forces spawned will be excused to return to Europe carrying their debris, their diseases, and their form of civilization.
In America justice is relegated to the position of being not only “blind,” but absent-minded and feeble while it relies upon defective laws to somehow salvage itself from its defects, but any young person who has struggled out of education’s straight jacket and has taken a fresh look around knows there is much deception involving much of the world and all of America. Education is not “education,” but a rote training course that instructs: “Don’t question government. Pay your taxes. Don’t make ripples. Salute the flag”
The aboriginal of the western hemisphere have a gargantuan task ahead. We must remind the forces that invaded our homelands that they are yet an unwelcome presence and that any people invited to this land by the military occupation and created “lawful” land claims, because of the fact of military occupation, are yet that, occupiers and their “lawful” claims are null and void. Because the masses of Americans are here under military protection only provides occupation under false pretense and all of the land titles manufactured by the invading force that are exchanged between the invaders and do not emit from aboriginals must be held mute and annulled as fraud.
Then we must establish that it is not the truth that requires guns to protect it, but the lie
The European crusade against aboriginals must end. Only the indigenous can effectively accomplish this. We must now stand together, invoke the truth and power of our sterling ancestors, reignite their dreams of our future, and hold our hearts in our hands with all of our dreams in our hearts, while we are ever walking to the sunrise singing a power song to Mother Earth.
Justice and truth do not emerge from the barrel of a gun, political power does. It will come to be, once the lies of political occupation of invade homelands are adjudicated throughout the world, that justice and truth will emerge with a frightening velocity.
In 1972 “Grampa” David Monongye of Hopi said, “Justice will come across the land like the dawn.” Gedin’ch’lumnu.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Indigenous people: They Did Not Return to Thank Us for the Original Gifts
Indigenous people
They Did Not Return to Thank Us for the Original Gifts
By Darryl Wilson
The following letter was addressed to the Dali Lama, on occasion of his visit to Siberia, in the former USSR, to commemorate 250 years of Buddhism there. The letter was hand-delivered to him at Lake Baikal in the summer of 1992 by Frank Lake of the Native American Student Union at the University of California at Davis.
Your Eminence:
We understand you will be celebrating the 250th year of Buddhism being practiced within the boundaries of the Soviet Union.
As professors and students of history, we are well aware of the parallels between your people and our Original Native Nations. Tibet is currently smothered under an ocean of Chinese military might, even as the native nations of the Americas are smothered under a blanket of arrogance calling itself Democracy.
The Americans came to our homeland with the same purpose the Chinese Imperial powers came to your door. They came to kill, to conquer, to colonize, to capture, to torture, to take and to destroy that which they could not take. They created laws which claim that they, the intruders, are the rightful owners of our sweet and precious motherland. And they manufactured the name for themselves: Americans.
They demanded gold and other precious gifts. And when we gave them the amount deemed sufficient by our Council of Elders and our Chiefs, they decided it was not enough and cut off the hands of the gift bearers. They razed our homes, decimated our tribes and nations, and decided that our homeland was too good for us – a homeland given to us to care for by the awesome powers that scattered the stars in the vastness and gave us songs to sing to them. The Americans came with an invisible God, a God who told them to take our homeland for their own. This God-who-cannot-smile issued many commandments to them – one commandment was to destroy us to the last child.
The Europeans penetrated our domain without welcome. They kidnapped our people and spirited away our food staples, so they could pump fresh life back into a Western Europe that was facing its own created demise.
The Europeans came in wave after diseased wave. Today that tide refuses to ebb. In the holds of their ships were strange animals from the European continent. And in their holds also, another possession: black people from the African continent, chained one to another and to the planks of the vessels.
They did not return to thank us for the original gifts. And today and tomorrow they feverishly prepare for what they see as their 500th “birthday.”
Since 1492 the Original Natives of this hemisphere have received only criminal treatment from “Americans” and their government. The strangers came and with barbed wire, fenced us out of our most sacred places of worship. They built roads upon the graves of our ancestors. They constructed Universities (including the University of California at Davis) upon our sacred burial grounds.
They have not yet asked pardon from our Chiefs for their original trespass. They may not even possess the ability to realize they are out of balance with the powers of the universe.
On October 12, 1992, some “Americans” and many Europeans will be celebrating the Europeans’ destruction of our peoples. They will cheer and they will commit further crimes against our people to prove their original trespass was just. All people who care for justice know that the Euro/Americans are trespassing upon this land even as the Chinese Imperialists are trespassing in Tibet.
Let us unite our songs to float across the vastness of time, and mark the beginning of the ending of atrocities that are visited upon us daily. Our languages, our traditions and our dances are our foundation. Knowing this, the Americans are constantly stripping these precious elements from us.
In which season will the earth people unite in the struggle for that which belongs to us, not by the “political power that comes from the barrel of the gun (Mao),” but by the power that turns the earth around the sun and the sun around a greater wonder?
Until that time we ask you to join us in protesting any “celebration” that might be devised by those who identify 1992 as 500 years of freedom – for it has not been freedom for the Original Native Nations any more than it has been freedom for Tibetans, your precious people, since the invasion by the Chinese Imperialists.
The Americans would rather destroy us than give us the recognition Great Wonder gives us every moment of every day.
This letter to be delivered to your hands by Frank Lake, President of the Native American Student Union, University of California at Davis.
Thank you and we are sincerely,
Dr Steve Crum, for the Native American faculty,
Denni Shultheis for the Native American Society of Medical Students,
Darryl Wilson and Frank Lake for the Native American Student Union, University of California at Davis
Darryl Wilson is a Pit River Indian from the Northeastern corner of California. He recently graduated from the University of California at Davis and is about to enter a Master’s program in Native American Studies at the University of Arizona.
Turning Wheel Summer 1992
They Did Not Return to Thank Us for the Original Gifts
By Darryl Wilson
The following letter was addressed to the Dali Lama, on occasion of his visit to Siberia, in the former USSR, to commemorate 250 years of Buddhism there. The letter was hand-delivered to him at Lake Baikal in the summer of 1992 by Frank Lake of the Native American Student Union at the University of California at Davis.
Your Eminence:
We understand you will be celebrating the 250th year of Buddhism being practiced within the boundaries of the Soviet Union.
As professors and students of history, we are well aware of the parallels between your people and our Original Native Nations. Tibet is currently smothered under an ocean of Chinese military might, even as the native nations of the Americas are smothered under a blanket of arrogance calling itself Democracy.
The Americans came to our homeland with the same purpose the Chinese Imperial powers came to your door. They came to kill, to conquer, to colonize, to capture, to torture, to take and to destroy that which they could not take. They created laws which claim that they, the intruders, are the rightful owners of our sweet and precious motherland. And they manufactured the name for themselves: Americans.
They demanded gold and other precious gifts. And when we gave them the amount deemed sufficient by our Council of Elders and our Chiefs, they decided it was not enough and cut off the hands of the gift bearers. They razed our homes, decimated our tribes and nations, and decided that our homeland was too good for us – a homeland given to us to care for by the awesome powers that scattered the stars in the vastness and gave us songs to sing to them. The Americans came with an invisible God, a God who told them to take our homeland for their own. This God-who-cannot-smile issued many commandments to them – one commandment was to destroy us to the last child.
The Europeans penetrated our domain without welcome. They kidnapped our people and spirited away our food staples, so they could pump fresh life back into a Western Europe that was facing its own created demise.
The Europeans came in wave after diseased wave. Today that tide refuses to ebb. In the holds of their ships were strange animals from the European continent. And in their holds also, another possession: black people from the African continent, chained one to another and to the planks of the vessels.
They did not return to thank us for the original gifts. And today and tomorrow they feverishly prepare for what they see as their 500th “birthday.”
Since 1492 the Original Natives of this hemisphere have received only criminal treatment from “Americans” and their government. The strangers came and with barbed wire, fenced us out of our most sacred places of worship. They built roads upon the graves of our ancestors. They constructed Universities (including the University of California at Davis) upon our sacred burial grounds.
They have not yet asked pardon from our Chiefs for their original trespass. They may not even possess the ability to realize they are out of balance with the powers of the universe.
On October 12, 1992, some “Americans” and many Europeans will be celebrating the Europeans’ destruction of our peoples. They will cheer and they will commit further crimes against our people to prove their original trespass was just. All people who care for justice know that the Euro/Americans are trespassing upon this land even as the Chinese Imperialists are trespassing in Tibet.
Let us unite our songs to float across the vastness of time, and mark the beginning of the ending of atrocities that are visited upon us daily. Our languages, our traditions and our dances are our foundation. Knowing this, the Americans are constantly stripping these precious elements from us.
In which season will the earth people unite in the struggle for that which belongs to us, not by the “political power that comes from the barrel of the gun (Mao),” but by the power that turns the earth around the sun and the sun around a greater wonder?
Until that time we ask you to join us in protesting any “celebration” that might be devised by those who identify 1992 as 500 years of freedom – for it has not been freedom for the Original Native Nations any more than it has been freedom for Tibetans, your precious people, since the invasion by the Chinese Imperialists.
The Americans would rather destroy us than give us the recognition Great Wonder gives us every moment of every day.
This letter to be delivered to your hands by Frank Lake, President of the Native American Student Union, University of California at Davis.
Thank you and we are sincerely,
Dr Steve Crum, for the Native American faculty,
Denni Shultheis for the Native American Society of Medical Students,
Darryl Wilson and Frank Lake for the Native American Student Union, University of California at Davis
Darryl Wilson is a Pit River Indian from the Northeastern corner of California. He recently graduated from the University of California at Davis and is about to enter a Master’s program in Native American Studies at the University of Arizona.
Turning Wheel Summer 1992
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
At dawn as I pondered the meaning (not the application) of pollen, the possible explanation to my pondering may have arrived during my thoughts about migration. This is the result of my dinner visit with Summer Shapero and her mother, Sandy, last evening at CISA dinner in San Lorenzo. Summer is yet a girl baby four-years-old so we had to use a different style of communication because language and words were not at all appropriate.
Instead we used a slightly amended hay’dutsi’la, that power yet being fresh and full force within her, and me relearning its possibilities and limitlessness. (hay’dutsi’la is: thinking, refining and polishing the thought then using it for its intended purpose, which is communication and revelation, sometimes inventing, but certainly calculating).
Grace, wisdom, knowledge, and dreams can be thrown from thought to thought (if the receiving thought is “on”).
Slipping into my morning pondering was a thought from *Apnui that was also a revelation. In little girl language she thought, “Blossoms are not the only thing that need pollen,” then “threw” the thought to me. Maybe she thought it and sent it at the same moment. An instant later I received it, and marveled at her depth of analysis. Just a baby, she understood that I should search a larger area than blossoms for the activity of pollination. I did. But it remains a mystery. What power initiates her to “throw” thoughts? That she does is not the mystery, why everyone doesn’t communicate in this manner is. We would have no phone bills plus we would be in touch all of the time. Why aren’t we in touch?
I call Summer “Apnui.” Not that I dislike “Summer,” the name her mommie and daddy gave to her. It is precious. In my language, Apnui, means summer, but also a long spring that lingers over into early summer when flowers are still in the meadow). She and her Sister, Sky, remind me of sweet, delicate flowers flourishing boldly upon earth. I call Sky, “Assela.” In my language Assela means sky, but also many skies: blue-blue, soft blue, powdered blue, turquoise blue, cloudy sky, winter sky, autumn sky, sunset red sky, gold and silver sunrise sky. The indigenous names are an understanding just between the girls, their family and me. When my journey on earth ends and I go on ahead, so will the memory and the names.
Migrations may be a world event in pollination that we are conditioned to believe happens only with blossoms and bees. In civilization, many migrations often are termed an obstacle to “progress” and must be crushed from existence. This crushing is a direct result of Europeans being given (through the Bible they wrote for themselves), “dominion over,” instead of (in the native way) “responsibility for” natural life. That “dominion over” mentality now permeates civilization and natural life is being destroyed the world over. The Bible, written by humans but called “The word of God,” I am sure, contains many similar defects.
Please, let’s look to the migrations that we see in a yearly cycle, some of which we rely upon, whether we are aware of it or not.
First, let’s investigate what “pollen” is. Dictionary, Webster’s (’73) pp 1015: “Botany: The fine powder-like material produced by the anthers of flowering plants (anthers grow at the end of the stamen), and functioning as the male element in fertilization. [New Latin, from Latin: flour, dust].” Pursuing farther in the index we discover: “fine powder, dust.”
This tells us where pollen-wisdom is found (in Botany), and where in flowers, the anthers, but not what it is because it surely must be more than “dust” or “powder.” What are its magic ingredients to accomplish the task of causing a blossom to turn into a wild plum, a peach, a Bell flower apple, a mountain strawberry or a black walnut? If the blossom is the designing agent then why the need for pollen? Does pollen come only from the anthers of flowers? Is our understanding of pollen satisfactory? Has enough investigation and discovery been accomplished on what pollen is and its relationship to migration? Do we dare look upon the great natural migrations of animals, birds and fish of the world as carrying their own type of “pollen” to other parts of the land and sea, completing a necessary movement across earth keeping earth functioning? Can there be such a thing as “earth-pollination” and can it be partially accomplished with every migration created by nature?
Great migrations of salmon are yet witnessed during the proper seasons by natives, bears, eagles, osprey, insects and many things living near the rivers and in the oceans, and they do other functions that we yet know nothing about. Besides feeding many life forms along the rivers, what is the original purpose of the migration? Is it a mysterious way for earth to somehow become “pollinated” in another necessary manner in order for it to carry on life in balance with the universal mysteries?
Let us exclude scientific paradigms – which are no more valuable than our guesses. Now let us consider the great migrating herds of hoofed animals moving across earth at their appointed time Might they be carrying a type of “pollen” from point A to point B (for a reason civilization might never ponder), which could be as important and necessary to apples as the bee taking pollen to the apple blossom?
The movement of the great whale pods around the vast oceans may be a necessary act of pollination in the world’s cycles on its journey to rendezvous with forever. The songs they sing to the ocean may have earth value equal to the songs a native grandmother sings to the dawn, in a mysterious act of pollination that science will never be prepared to investigate. Grandmother’s songs pollinate the universe with dreams, whale songs surely must accomplish the same act in the vast oceans.
Before civilization intruded upon this continent with no intention of leaving, flocks of geese were so numerous in the mountain valley of my birth that while lifting off to continue their migration either north or south, they blocked out the sun. They are few now. Some places have a flock of a hundred. But what did they bring from the north to the south and to the mountain valleys in that amazing cycle? In another manner, was earth “pollinated” with thought and dreams? A few of us will always wonder if the current rigid definitions of life are capable of satisfying the needs of next century.
All over earth there are migrations, ants, bees, hummingbirds and eagles, gnu, reindeer, swallows and butterflies. They all have a purpose other than seeking food and water. They obey great universal laws and fulfill obligations that humans will never know because the search for animal wisdom does not exist and too many learned people are convinced that knowledge comes from books and education, thereby limiting their search area for the rhythms of earth, universe, seasons, and for a multiple understanding of the meaning “pollination.”
But the search for a clear definition for what pollen is and its effects upon earth, other than pollen from flower anther to blossom, began because I must give Psukitok (Spring Maiden) and Amal (Flower Maiden) some points of pollination to discuss in the film and I know so very little concerning the function of pollen or even what it is and its parameters. There is no longer an Elder whom I can ask for knowledge, guidance, or direction, which makes many tasks difficult. Because of this I often feel I have been abandoned upon the ocean of inquiry and adrift upon the choppy sea of education.
Then I worry about hay’dutsi’la and the future of the delicate and boundless thought power that is reviving across the world. Technology is faltering. One day, if science and education just stay out of the trail, people will be communicating via hay’dutsi’la instead of a telephone or another technological device. If the U, S. mail service abandons civilization, we will still communicate. All of the necessary equipment is born with every child, complete. The education system cannot promote or stunt this natural ability because the natural senses refuses to acknowledge that “education” exists. I am not in love with the telephone company or technology (or the U.S. mail) because hay’dutsi’la does not recognize that technology is a greater work than the natural mind. Watching technology rust in a polluting pile might be a great exercise, but it surely would damage earth the more, too.
I must stop writing. Assela is sending me a thought. She is on an airplane returning from Iowa, thinking about a book she may write: “A Horse Called Man.” The message may take some powerful focus.
Excuse me. Ina’lum’qotmi (I must go but I leave my heart with you).
At dawn as I pondered the meaning (not the application) of pollen, the possible explanation to my pondering may have arrived during my thoughts about migration. This is the result of my dinner visit with Summer Shapero and her mother, Sandy, last evening at CISA dinner in San Lorenzo. Summer is yet a girl baby four-years-old so we had to use a different style of communication because language and words were not at all appropriate.
Instead we used a slightly amended hay’dutsi’la, that power yet being fresh and full force within her, and me relearning its possibilities and limitlessness. (hay’dutsi’la is: thinking, refining and polishing the thought then using it for its intended purpose, which is communication and revelation, sometimes inventing, but certainly calculating).
Grace, wisdom, knowledge, and dreams can be thrown from thought to thought (if the receiving thought is “on”).
Slipping into my morning pondering was a thought from *Apnui that was also a revelation. In little girl language she thought, “Blossoms are not the only thing that need pollen,” then “threw” the thought to me. Maybe she thought it and sent it at the same moment. An instant later I received it, and marveled at her depth of analysis. Just a baby, she understood that I should search a larger area than blossoms for the activity of pollination. I did. But it remains a mystery. What power initiates her to “throw” thoughts? That she does is not the mystery, why everyone doesn’t communicate in this manner is. We would have no phone bills plus we would be in touch all of the time. Why aren’t we in touch?
I call Summer “Apnui.” Not that I dislike “Summer,” the name her mommie and daddy gave to her. It is precious. In my language, Apnui, means summer, but also a long spring that lingers over into early summer when flowers are still in the meadow). She and her Sister, Sky, remind me of sweet, delicate flowers flourishing boldly upon earth. I call Sky, “Assela.” In my language Assela means sky, but also many skies: blue-blue, soft blue, powdered blue, turquoise blue, cloudy sky, winter sky, autumn sky, sunset red sky, gold and silver sunrise sky. The indigenous names are an understanding just between the girls, their family and me. When my journey on earth ends and I go on ahead, so will the memory and the names.
Migrations may be a world event in pollination that we are conditioned to believe happens only with blossoms and bees. In civilization, many migrations often are termed an obstacle to “progress” and must be crushed from existence. This crushing is a direct result of Europeans being given (through the Bible they wrote for themselves), “dominion over,” instead of (in the native way) “responsibility for” natural life. That “dominion over” mentality now permeates civilization and natural life is being destroyed the world over. The Bible, written by humans but called “The word of God,” I am sure, contains many similar defects.
Please, let’s look to the migrations that we see in a yearly cycle, some of which we rely upon, whether we are aware of it or not.
First, let’s investigate what “pollen” is. Dictionary, Webster’s (’73) pp 1015: “Botany: The fine powder-like material produced by the anthers of flowering plants (anthers grow at the end of the stamen), and functioning as the male element in fertilization. [New Latin, from Latin: flour, dust].” Pursuing farther in the index we discover: “fine powder, dust.”
This tells us where pollen-wisdom is found (in Botany), and where in flowers, the anthers, but not what it is because it surely must be more than “dust” or “powder.” What are its magic ingredients to accomplish the task of causing a blossom to turn into a wild plum, a peach, a Bell flower apple, a mountain strawberry or a black walnut? If the blossom is the designing agent then why the need for pollen? Does pollen come only from the anthers of flowers? Is our understanding of pollen satisfactory? Has enough investigation and discovery been accomplished on what pollen is and its relationship to migration? Do we dare look upon the great natural migrations of animals, birds and fish of the world as carrying their own type of “pollen” to other parts of the land and sea, completing a necessary movement across earth keeping earth functioning? Can there be such a thing as “earth-pollination” and can it be partially accomplished with every migration created by nature?
Great migrations of salmon are yet witnessed during the proper seasons by natives, bears, eagles, osprey, insects and many things living near the rivers and in the oceans, and they do other functions that we yet know nothing about. Besides feeding many life forms along the rivers, what is the original purpose of the migration? Is it a mysterious way for earth to somehow become “pollinated” in another necessary manner in order for it to carry on life in balance with the universal mysteries?
Let us exclude scientific paradigms – which are no more valuable than our guesses. Now let us consider the great migrating herds of hoofed animals moving across earth at their appointed time Might they be carrying a type of “pollen” from point A to point B (for a reason civilization might never ponder), which could be as important and necessary to apples as the bee taking pollen to the apple blossom?
The movement of the great whale pods around the vast oceans may be a necessary act of pollination in the world’s cycles on its journey to rendezvous with forever. The songs they sing to the ocean may have earth value equal to the songs a native grandmother sings to the dawn, in a mysterious act of pollination that science will never be prepared to investigate. Grandmother’s songs pollinate the universe with dreams, whale songs surely must accomplish the same act in the vast oceans.
Before civilization intruded upon this continent with no intention of leaving, flocks of geese were so numerous in the mountain valley of my birth that while lifting off to continue their migration either north or south, they blocked out the sun. They are few now. Some places have a flock of a hundred. But what did they bring from the north to the south and to the mountain valleys in that amazing cycle? In another manner, was earth “pollinated” with thought and dreams? A few of us will always wonder if the current rigid definitions of life are capable of satisfying the needs of next century.
All over earth there are migrations, ants, bees, hummingbirds and eagles, gnu, reindeer, swallows and butterflies. They all have a purpose other than seeking food and water. They obey great universal laws and fulfill obligations that humans will never know because the search for animal wisdom does not exist and too many learned people are convinced that knowledge comes from books and education, thereby limiting their search area for the rhythms of earth, universe, seasons, and for a multiple understanding of the meaning “pollination.”
But the search for a clear definition for what pollen is and its effects upon earth, other than pollen from flower anther to blossom, began because I must give Psukitok (Spring Maiden) and Amal (Flower Maiden) some points of pollination to discuss in the film and I know so very little concerning the function of pollen or even what it is and its parameters. There is no longer an Elder whom I can ask for knowledge, guidance, or direction, which makes many tasks difficult. Because of this I often feel I have been abandoned upon the ocean of inquiry and adrift upon the choppy sea of education.
Then I worry about hay’dutsi’la and the future of the delicate and boundless thought power that is reviving across the world. Technology is faltering. One day, if science and education just stay out of the trail, people will be communicating via hay’dutsi’la instead of a telephone or another technological device. If the U, S. mail service abandons civilization, we will still communicate. All of the necessary equipment is born with every child, complete. The education system cannot promote or stunt this natural ability because the natural senses refuses to acknowledge that “education” exists. I am not in love with the telephone company or technology (or the U.S. mail) because hay’dutsi’la does not recognize that technology is a greater work than the natural mind. Watching technology rust in a polluting pile might be a great exercise, but it surely would damage earth the more, too.
I must stop writing. Assela is sending me a thought. She is on an airplane returning from Iowa, thinking about a book she may write: “A Horse Called Man.” The message may take some powerful focus.
Excuse me. Ina’lum’qotmi (I must go but I leave my heart with you).
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
We must not confuse the Western meaning of “storytelling” with indigenous “oral literature.” The difference between oral literature and storytelling is that storytelling is viewed as amusement or something made up as an explanation to an officer of the law for your committing of an infraction.
Oral literature is the transference of valid and valuable history from one indigenous generation to the next. Tribal people upon this Western Hemisphere had little reason to record histories in writing because oral literature was an honored mode of remembering and this mode functioned well and the word was honored until the European invasion forced its way into this hemisphere bringing a strange God. Their God commanded them to immediately establishing Europe again. The European paradigm did not function well in Europe and caused Europe to sicken and decay in every imaginable degree and subject, but that pattern is all they had because they were devoid of dreams.
Despite the hegemonic effort of the invading people to annul oral literature, it retreated into whispers but refused to dissipate. It was passed from indigemous generation to the next generation in the safety of the forests as the embers smoldered, upon the Great Plains under the silver moon, and in the warmth and seclusion of a desert night, brilliant stars dancing.
The wisdoms were passed to the future generation by Pukamuka (wonderful wise people). Knowing was offered by the Elders and leaders. The person especially prepared to be responsible for and be the “keeper” of these things, received them with the understanding that they would be passed to the approaching generation in a very strict and respectful manner. As in every society, the person was selected because of his/her ability to employ wisdom with the proper language to make the narrative appear while divulging a thorough understanding.
Life, to native knowledge, guided with the indigenous community world-view, was not understood as beginning at birth and ending in a grave, but as a continuation of a journey that required necessary changes. That is why the statement, “Gone on ahead” is used. “Gone on ahead” and “Changing Worlds” is a way to indicate the life-spirit is traveling and may return with wisdom one day. Since wisdom usually comes in the form of a dream, we are told the life spirit follows this pattern. This activity also supports the lesson that everything is a dream. Not long ago dreams appeared to everyone with a destiny, destination and purpose - to the hunter who charmed the game, to the basket maker who designed magic, to the dreamer who dreamed dreams of future, to the medicine people preparing to heal the injured. The instructions to the people usually came in silence, solitude and sterling moments. Dreams are the most important element in our native “way” insuring the continuation of our Journey
There is a vast difference between “knowing” and “believing.” In our “way,” to know something is to enter into a greater positive, and remain. Wisdom then prepares to reveal tijtawa (the real, the genuine). The Elders say, “To know is to know is to know. There is no room for hesitation. To believe is a notion waiting for a convincing argument and it is always prepared to change and not remain constant.”
Everybody has a Wa’tu and Ahlo. These are umbilical cords, one physical the other spiritual. The ahlo connects you to this earth through your birth mother. The wa’tu connects you to the universe and all “power” everywhere. The wa’tu connects you to kenemmumwa (forever). The connections are of identical purposes.
Today the old ones worry, because the confusion of civilization and God, that too many young natives stand too far from the Fire of Wisdom and many have completely turned away, refusing to acknowledge wa’tu. The “new Indians for a new time,” (appointed by the government) are in peril and their claim to be accepted by the Great Power is invalid. Their dreams are a brown study at best and the only language they know is foreign and imported by the colonizer. With this strange language they mock the original “way.” In a panic to be “valid,” they collect fragments of different ceremonies, kneading them together while claiming that this is the way of their people. Elders turn from this practice shunning its brazenness. Beware. They are not appointed by the Great Sun Chief. They are frantic imposters.
The old ones worry while the new generation is lured away from destiny. Today they see a diluted and fabricated form of the “Old way,” and watch the “power” flee from this mockery.
An Elder described to me how he viewed the spiritual decay of our world-view and our “way.” “Tower 1, Columbus; Tower 2, Cortes.” Frightened I recall the words of an Elder when he told about first earth. “Two bad thinkings come and ruin first earth. Now this one.”
When my concern moves my thoughts to question what can be a medicine for the damage disrespect and civilization have had on little earth, the Elders shake their heads saying, “Only way now, Ye’ja, Ye’ja and powerful dreamings.”
In our lessons and legends Mother Earth was created with a variety of beautiful power songs. The powerful magic of song must now be invoked through the innocence of our children singing at dawn.
This is all I am allowed to know about future, the validity of oral literature and the ferocious error of comparing storytelling to oral literature and its connection with wisdom, knowledge and forever. I am sorry for my lack of a concentrated presentation. At this time I am absorbed in telling the beautiful narrative of a creation and in encouraging earth’s children to sing a healing song to Mother Earth. Our future is waiting for their song. Indigenous oral literature says this will happen.
Sul’ma’ejote (AKA)
Darryl Babe Wilson
We must not confuse the Western meaning of “storytelling” with indigenous “oral literature.” The difference between oral literature and storytelling is that storytelling is viewed as amusement or something made up as an explanation to an officer of the law for your committing of an infraction.
Oral literature is the transference of valid and valuable history from one indigenous generation to the next. Tribal people upon this Western Hemisphere had little reason to record histories in writing because oral literature was an honored mode of remembering and this mode functioned well and the word was honored until the European invasion forced its way into this hemisphere bringing a strange God. Their God commanded them to immediately establishing Europe again. The European paradigm did not function well in Europe and caused Europe to sicken and decay in every imaginable degree and subject, but that pattern is all they had because they were devoid of dreams.
Despite the hegemonic effort of the invading people to annul oral literature, it retreated into whispers but refused to dissipate. It was passed from indigemous generation to the next generation in the safety of the forests as the embers smoldered, upon the Great Plains under the silver moon, and in the warmth and seclusion of a desert night, brilliant stars dancing.
The wisdoms were passed to the future generation by Pukamuka (wonderful wise people). Knowing was offered by the Elders and leaders. The person especially prepared to be responsible for and be the “keeper” of these things, received them with the understanding that they would be passed to the approaching generation in a very strict and respectful manner. As in every society, the person was selected because of his/her ability to employ wisdom with the proper language to make the narrative appear while divulging a thorough understanding.
Life, to native knowledge, guided with the indigenous community world-view, was not understood as beginning at birth and ending in a grave, but as a continuation of a journey that required necessary changes. That is why the statement, “Gone on ahead” is used. “Gone on ahead” and “Changing Worlds” is a way to indicate the life-spirit is traveling and may return with wisdom one day. Since wisdom usually comes in the form of a dream, we are told the life spirit follows this pattern. This activity also supports the lesson that everything is a dream. Not long ago dreams appeared to everyone with a destiny, destination and purpose - to the hunter who charmed the game, to the basket maker who designed magic, to the dreamer who dreamed dreams of future, to the medicine people preparing to heal the injured. The instructions to the people usually came in silence, solitude and sterling moments. Dreams are the most important element in our native “way” insuring the continuation of our Journey
There is a vast difference between “knowing” and “believing.” In our “way,” to know something is to enter into a greater positive, and remain. Wisdom then prepares to reveal tijtawa (the real, the genuine). The Elders say, “To know is to know is to know. There is no room for hesitation. To believe is a notion waiting for a convincing argument and it is always prepared to change and not remain constant.”
Everybody has a Wa’tu and Ahlo. These are umbilical cords, one physical the other spiritual. The ahlo connects you to this earth through your birth mother. The wa’tu connects you to the universe and all “power” everywhere. The wa’tu connects you to kenemmumwa (forever). The connections are of identical purposes.
Today the old ones worry, because the confusion of civilization and God, that too many young natives stand too far from the Fire of Wisdom and many have completely turned away, refusing to acknowledge wa’tu. The “new Indians for a new time,” (appointed by the government) are in peril and their claim to be accepted by the Great Power is invalid. Their dreams are a brown study at best and the only language they know is foreign and imported by the colonizer. With this strange language they mock the original “way.” In a panic to be “valid,” they collect fragments of different ceremonies, kneading them together while claiming that this is the way of their people. Elders turn from this practice shunning its brazenness. Beware. They are not appointed by the Great Sun Chief. They are frantic imposters.
The old ones worry while the new generation is lured away from destiny. Today they see a diluted and fabricated form of the “Old way,” and watch the “power” flee from this mockery.
An Elder described to me how he viewed the spiritual decay of our world-view and our “way.” “Tower 1, Columbus; Tower 2, Cortes.” Frightened I recall the words of an Elder when he told about first earth. “Two bad thinkings come and ruin first earth. Now this one.”
When my concern moves my thoughts to question what can be a medicine for the damage disrespect and civilization have had on little earth, the Elders shake their heads saying, “Only way now, Ye’ja, Ye’ja and powerful dreamings.”
In our lessons and legends Mother Earth was created with a variety of beautiful power songs. The powerful magic of song must now be invoked through the innocence of our children singing at dawn.
This is all I am allowed to know about future, the validity of oral literature and the ferocious error of comparing storytelling to oral literature and its connection with wisdom, knowledge and forever. I am sorry for my lack of a concentrated presentation. At this time I am absorbed in telling the beautiful narrative of a creation and in encouraging earth’s children to sing a healing song to Mother Earth. Our future is waiting for their song. Indigenous oral literature says this will happen.
Sul’ma’ejote (AKA)
Darryl Babe Wilson
Saturday, April 24, 2010
(One Dream)
Should I live for another ten years I will feel very fortunate (I cannot expect to live for a hundred snows), but it was not long ago, at the time of European intrusion into this hemisphere, that indigenous upon this entire continent lived a balanced life for 300 snows or more. I was born on the northern half of this western hemisphere. At that time the Elders among us were few and scattered. The diaspora (scattering) and genocidal tactics used against indigenous that began at first contact with evil assault plans birthed upon the European continent and transported here in multiplying multitudes, continues unbridled in the year 2010 and there is no solution upon the horizon that will allow this thought to recede, fade, or vanish: Divide and Conquer. This tactic promoted the invasion and assault of the world, by various Kingdoms demanding gold. In the instance of the initial invaders assaulting this hemisphere, gold in sufficient amounts allowing the Spanish Crown to purchase an army. That activity of “finding” this hemisphere was first an accident. Soon it grew to become a discovery and land-claim by fearless adventurers, then was fed to the warped allegiance of Historians by “the power” to manipulate history and continue the justification of The Doctrine of Discovery, authorizing sovereign right to destroy humanity while seizing land. Next, emerging from a news editorial (which was catapulted into Doctrine status), Manifest Destiny forgave the atrocities committed by the invading forces which encouraged a new fever in indigenous destruction and indigenous homeland grabbing by other waves of invading “citizens.”
When I was in grade one, beginning my academic journey, I explained to my Elders how Columbus “found” us. A Grandmother looked long at me then asked. “Did this person find the sun, too? This land was never ‘lost’ any more than the sun was lost.”
Should one explore “discovery” and “doctrine” in a worthy dictionary and with a clear mind, s/he will find that the Doctrine of Discovery means that two people can happen upon anything and the first who claims to see it first is the discoverer. In the instance of the western hemisphere, the “discovery” was a vast continent inhabited by 800-million indigenous beings. For the “doctrine” to bear legitimate fruit, one must assume that the millions of indigenous inhabitants upon this western continent were blind! One “civilized” way to fortify this societal accusation of myopia is to change the languages of the indigenous and distort their habits and world-views through the process of assimilation/acculturation, an alteration that damages indigenous children as much as cannons, bullets, swords and poisons.
The history of the penetration of pirates from the European continent into indigenous homelands, written by the invading pirates is accepted by too many scholars, both foreign and indigenous. That poorly reported and often fabricated chronicle must be questioned, most certainly by the indigenous scholars.
There are strange, intruding language-forces yet dominating this hemisphere and the indigenous beings upon this hemisphere, causing one indigenous camp to look askance at the other. The strange languages are English and Spanish. The arrogance of the English language reinforced by the presence of God, and the power of the Spanish language reinforced with the strength of the Pope and the Catholic Church, are formidable structures to confront. These structures present an immense division among the indigenous. By employing this strange formula, the English-speaking native and the Spanish speaking native often hold each suspect of being foreign! An English colonized English-speaking native from the north will hold the Spanish colonized Spanish-speaking native from the south in the “foreign” arena even though the Spanish speaking native is a full-blood-native Spanish-speaker and is to a greater degree original native than the English-speaker making the crude and hasty judgment.
This confusion is accomplished by distorting the native languages and world-views. This distortion promotes and protects the assumption of “truths” residing in the act of assimilation, and invites indigenous loyalty to strange beings and their strange habits, actions that continue to erode the gentle spirit among indigenous peoples everywhere. Those invading and foreign habits devoid of protection and promotion would, like an autumn leaf, dry and fall from the present to be raked and discarded in the abyss of uselessness.
Our ancient ancestors that learned from their ancient ancestors who studied this hemisphere and cherished the life-forces said,
* “Hamis hatiji (One heart),
hamis Aw’te (one people),
hamis himal (one mind),
hamis ahti (one blood),
hamis telamji (one spirit),
hamis tasoqjami (one dream), from tip to tip”
(meaning, from the tip of South America to the North Pole). In order for the indigenous inhabitants of this western hemisphere to appreciate the boundless love of our ancient beings and to conduct our lives and its purposes issued to us as an undamaged dream, this generation must lift the curtain of Apartheid/Democracy (identify them as twins) smothering our instincts, cast them off, and follow the foot steps of our ancestors, for that path leads to the dawning of our respect and responsibilities as original indigenous dwelling upon this earth. Too, that path will reveal the necessity of our understanding. It is a good path. This path awaits our happy laughter, our delicate songs, our dedicated dances. Hayyaw, (younger brother) Enunja (little sister), Hisnawa (young warriors), it is a dream of Pukemuka (wonderful wise beings who walked earth before us), therefore it is tijtawa (genuine).
Gedn’ch’lumnu (This must be so).
* The language of my Grandmother and Grandfather are not the same. Here I weave both languages to complete the necessay thought.
(One Dream)
Should I live for another ten years I will feel very fortunate (I cannot expect to live for a hundred snows), but it was not long ago, at the time of European intrusion into this hemisphere, that indigenous upon this entire continent lived a balanced life for 300 snows or more. I was born on the northern half of this western hemisphere. At that time the Elders among us were few and scattered. The diaspora (scattering) and genocidal tactics used against indigenous that began at first contact with evil assault plans birthed upon the European continent and transported here in multiplying multitudes, continues unbridled in the year 2010 and there is no solution upon the horizon that will allow this thought to recede, fade, or vanish: Divide and Conquer. This tactic promoted the invasion and assault of the world, by various Kingdoms demanding gold. In the instance of the initial invaders assaulting this hemisphere, gold in sufficient amounts allowing the Spanish Crown to purchase an army. That activity of “finding” this hemisphere was first an accident. Soon it grew to become a discovery and land-claim by fearless adventurers, then was fed to the warped allegiance of Historians by “the power” to manipulate history and continue the justification of The Doctrine of Discovery, authorizing sovereign right to destroy humanity while seizing land. Next, emerging from a news editorial (which was catapulted into Doctrine status), Manifest Destiny forgave the atrocities committed by the invading forces which encouraged a new fever in indigenous destruction and indigenous homeland grabbing by other waves of invading “citizens.”
When I was in grade one, beginning my academic journey, I explained to my Elders how Columbus “found” us. A Grandmother looked long at me then asked. “Did this person find the sun, too? This land was never ‘lost’ any more than the sun was lost.”
Should one explore “discovery” and “doctrine” in a worthy dictionary and with a clear mind, s/he will find that the Doctrine of Discovery means that two people can happen upon anything and the first who claims to see it first is the discoverer. In the instance of the western hemisphere, the “discovery” was a vast continent inhabited by 800-million indigenous beings. For the “doctrine” to bear legitimate fruit, one must assume that the millions of indigenous inhabitants upon this western continent were blind! One “civilized” way to fortify this societal accusation of myopia is to change the languages of the indigenous and distort their habits and world-views through the process of assimilation/acculturation, an alteration that damages indigenous children as much as cannons, bullets, swords and poisons.
The history of the penetration of pirates from the European continent into indigenous homelands, written by the invading pirates is accepted by too many scholars, both foreign and indigenous. That poorly reported and often fabricated chronicle must be questioned, most certainly by the indigenous scholars.
There are strange, intruding language-forces yet dominating this hemisphere and the indigenous beings upon this hemisphere, causing one indigenous camp to look askance at the other. The strange languages are English and Spanish. The arrogance of the English language reinforced by the presence of God, and the power of the Spanish language reinforced with the strength of the Pope and the Catholic Church, are formidable structures to confront. These structures present an immense division among the indigenous. By employing this strange formula, the English-speaking native and the Spanish speaking native often hold each suspect of being foreign! An English colonized English-speaking native from the north will hold the Spanish colonized Spanish-speaking native from the south in the “foreign” arena even though the Spanish speaking native is a full-blood-native Spanish-speaker and is to a greater degree original native than the English-speaker making the crude and hasty judgment.
This confusion is accomplished by distorting the native languages and world-views. This distortion promotes and protects the assumption of “truths” residing in the act of assimilation, and invites indigenous loyalty to strange beings and their strange habits, actions that continue to erode the gentle spirit among indigenous peoples everywhere. Those invading and foreign habits devoid of protection and promotion would, like an autumn leaf, dry and fall from the present to be raked and discarded in the abyss of uselessness.
Our ancient ancestors that learned from their ancient ancestors who studied this hemisphere and cherished the life-forces said,
* “Hamis hatiji (One heart),
hamis Aw’te (one people),
hamis himal (one mind),
hamis ahti (one blood),
hamis telamji (one spirit),
hamis tasoqjami (one dream), from tip to tip”
(meaning, from the tip of South America to the North Pole). In order for the indigenous inhabitants of this western hemisphere to appreciate the boundless love of our ancient beings and to conduct our lives and its purposes issued to us as an undamaged dream, this generation must lift the curtain of Apartheid/Democracy (identify them as twins) smothering our instincts, cast them off, and follow the foot steps of our ancestors, for that path leads to the dawning of our respect and responsibilities as original indigenous dwelling upon this earth. Too, that path will reveal the necessity of our understanding. It is a good path. This path awaits our happy laughter, our delicate songs, our dedicated dances. Hayyaw, (younger brother) Enunja (little sister), Hisnawa (young warriors), it is a dream of Pukemuka (wonderful wise beings who walked earth before us), therefore it is tijtawa (genuine).
Gedn’ch’lumnu (This must be so).
* The language of my Grandmother and Grandfather are not the same. Here I weave both languages to complete the necessay thought.
Friday, April 9, 2010
While I was dong advanced academic study at the University of Arizona, I learned what I had been taught to suspect, that the tribal principle of itspo’e’otisi is ignored in all historic and legal recordings between indigenous and the colonizers. This is a tribal continent. Americans employ here every language (bastardized) on the European continent but ignores language and principles from this hemisphere. That is why it is necessary in America to tell lies in court after you swear to God you will be truthful, and after you are ordered to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
At this time we must review the meaning of itspo’e’otisi, mostly for those indigenous colonized by America and for those indigenous colonized by Spain, and, equally, the Supreme Courts of the land and the world.
Itspo’e’otisi is not a misspelling of something already misspelled, it is a meaning, within a spoken language. Attempts to translate living languages usually results in disappointment and despair for both sides. However, this is a term used to invite someone to view the purposes moving within the heart of the other and having that same opportunity for “other” to look into the first person’s heart, and seek avenues for both parties to know that honesty is the foundation of their intentions:
This concept is totally lacking in any endeavor where American law and American history abound. Anthropology and Linguistics have caused their fair share of damage, especially where linear thinking must be employed to some how translate a spoken language. Often the intentions of those recordings were noble, but, like Ramsey Bone Blake said, “They (Europeans) just don’t have understandings.”
When the Europeans first looked upon our dances and heard our songs they said that our songs were created by the devil and our dances were Satanic. Today their descendants view indigenous morning talks with the Great Universe Powers with askance and have not yet, with civility, inquired what it is that we do at dawn. Many will never experience the connections that we are instructed to maintain between the life-sweet spirit dwelling within all hearts and the Great Wonders of the vast universe.
As the old council instructed I entered the Supreme study of the hallowed University system to “Learn how to use words like bullets because that is the way America uses words against us.” Standing in the center of that arena I could clearly see how the Supreme Laws of the land were manipulated by the Supreme Court and the Congress as they united Supreme Thoughts while stealing thousands of Supreme square miles of homeland from the natives on this northern hemisphere, praising each other for their Supreme Accomplishments. I watched local land offices dole Supreme land titles of its own making to strangers and foreigners, while denying that the indigenous hold aboriginal title (internationally recognized) to that land, and that title is alive and yet dwells in the original people.
I discovered world laws twisted and distorted until the court system “found satisfaction under the law.” Whenever a land was invaded the law givers encouraged the foreigners to exclude human rights and to freely exchange land titles and to never think about honor, justice, or prior and original, indigenous rights to Aboriginal Title. At the same time the Supreme Halls of academia sent anthropologists out to prove that the Indigenous were trespassers, too, just in a prior sequence having stumbled to this hemisphere recently across the Bering Strait when water was at ebb, looking for something to kill. The Supreme Lying by the Supreme Congress and a variety of Supreme Administrators is yet thick, hegemonic and billowing like black smog over the Great American stratosphere, yet the clouds of political pollution continues to be invisible to the World Court system, a system of law comfortably residing thousands of miles away from this hemisphere at the World Court of Justice, Den Haag. These activities convinced my people that, yes, justice is blind but it is also deaf, dumb, and courting dishonesty in a variety of horrid flavors.
I also found that the same laws that chastised and damaged natives were often protective of the invading foreign hordes. Why? How? How could the law not find one invading, trespassing foreigner violating any law, but native children, by simply breathing, were an obstacle that could only be overcome by powerful acts of aggravated mutilation finalized in arson to the village and to the landscape. The urgency in my old tribal council rang loudly in my ears, “You must learn how to use words like bullets.”
Then I thumbed through volumes of “American” and “World” histories seeing how Democracy employed “Manifest Destiny” (“manifest” and “destiny” were doodled together on a napkin in a coffee shop by a newspaper man needing a subject for an editorial) as a “doctrine” to excuse Europeans for invading and assaulting natives throughout the world, and to justify nefarious deeds centuries before Manifest Destiny was simply a spliced news topic in an editorial column in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The degree of world destruction was alarming. I closed a hefty volume and meandered in the sunshine and warmth of a spring day. The day was pleasant. My thoughts were alarmed. I thought how sweet life could be if only invading societies in history would have taken the time to employ itspo’e’otisi as the natives practiced it. Liberty and Justice then would be pleasant, instead of being confused. abused and angry. Wars and conflict would never have been born, and Democracy would never have matured into the foundation of world conflict, but would be a medication for us all.
My thoughts about Hollywood, history, and genocide are for another day, not for today.
While I was dong advanced academic study at the University of Arizona, I learned what I had been taught to suspect, that the tribal principle of itspo’e’otisi is ignored in all historic and legal recordings between indigenous and the colonizers. This is a tribal continent. Americans employ here every language (bastardized) on the European continent but ignores language and principles from this hemisphere. That is why it is necessary in America to tell lies in court after you swear to God you will be truthful, and after you are ordered to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
At this time we must review the meaning of itspo’e’otisi, mostly for those indigenous colonized by America and for those indigenous colonized by Spain, and, equally, the Supreme Courts of the land and the world.
Itspo’e’otisi is not a misspelling of something already misspelled, it is a meaning, within a spoken language. Attempts to translate living languages usually results in disappointment and despair for both sides. However, this is a term used to invite someone to view the purposes moving within the heart of the other and having that same opportunity for “other” to look into the first person’s heart, and seek avenues for both parties to know that honesty is the foundation of their intentions:
This concept is totally lacking in any endeavor where American law and American history abound. Anthropology and Linguistics have caused their fair share of damage, especially where linear thinking must be employed to some how translate a spoken language. Often the intentions of those recordings were noble, but, like Ramsey Bone Blake said, “They (Europeans) just don’t have understandings.”
When the Europeans first looked upon our dances and heard our songs they said that our songs were created by the devil and our dances were Satanic. Today their descendants view indigenous morning talks with the Great Universe Powers with askance and have not yet, with civility, inquired what it is that we do at dawn. Many will never experience the connections that we are instructed to maintain between the life-sweet spirit dwelling within all hearts and the Great Wonders of the vast universe.
As the old council instructed I entered the Supreme study of the hallowed University system to “Learn how to use words like bullets because that is the way America uses words against us.” Standing in the center of that arena I could clearly see how the Supreme Laws of the land were manipulated by the Supreme Court and the Congress as they united Supreme Thoughts while stealing thousands of Supreme square miles of homeland from the natives on this northern hemisphere, praising each other for their Supreme Accomplishments. I watched local land offices dole Supreme land titles of its own making to strangers and foreigners, while denying that the indigenous hold aboriginal title (internationally recognized) to that land, and that title is alive and yet dwells in the original people.
I discovered world laws twisted and distorted until the court system “found satisfaction under the law.” Whenever a land was invaded the law givers encouraged the foreigners to exclude human rights and to freely exchange land titles and to never think about honor, justice, or prior and original, indigenous rights to Aboriginal Title. At the same time the Supreme Halls of academia sent anthropologists out to prove that the Indigenous were trespassers, too, just in a prior sequence having stumbled to this hemisphere recently across the Bering Strait when water was at ebb, looking for something to kill. The Supreme Lying by the Supreme Congress and a variety of Supreme Administrators is yet thick, hegemonic and billowing like black smog over the Great American stratosphere, yet the clouds of political pollution continues to be invisible to the World Court system, a system of law comfortably residing thousands of miles away from this hemisphere at the World Court of Justice, Den Haag. These activities convinced my people that, yes, justice is blind but it is also deaf, dumb, and courting dishonesty in a variety of horrid flavors.
I also found that the same laws that chastised and damaged natives were often protective of the invading foreign hordes. Why? How? How could the law not find one invading, trespassing foreigner violating any law, but native children, by simply breathing, were an obstacle that could only be overcome by powerful acts of aggravated mutilation finalized in arson to the village and to the landscape. The urgency in my old tribal council rang loudly in my ears, “You must learn how to use words like bullets.”
Then I thumbed through volumes of “American” and “World” histories seeing how Democracy employed “Manifest Destiny” (“manifest” and “destiny” were doodled together on a napkin in a coffee shop by a newspaper man needing a subject for an editorial) as a “doctrine” to excuse Europeans for invading and assaulting natives throughout the world, and to justify nefarious deeds centuries before Manifest Destiny was simply a spliced news topic in an editorial column in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
The degree of world destruction was alarming. I closed a hefty volume and meandered in the sunshine and warmth of a spring day. The day was pleasant. My thoughts were alarmed. I thought how sweet life could be if only invading societies in history would have taken the time to employ itspo’e’otisi as the natives practiced it. Liberty and Justice then would be pleasant, instead of being confused. abused and angry. Wars and conflict would never have been born, and Democracy would never have matured into the foundation of world conflict, but would be a medication for us all.
My thoughts about Hollywood, history, and genocide are for another day, not for today.
Monday, March 15, 2010
TALALIMJOJI (Small light before dawn)
(Small light before dawn)
Sunrise yet a dream
Venus still planning her ascent.
Jupiter hurrying west.
On the other side, Moon followed Sun along their ancient path.
My sleep was not of dreams but of worry
As *Pukamuka instructed us, my spirit went out to visit the vast universe
to scatter my bothers as the stars were scattered long ago
The power in the vastness churned and dreamed and breathed
and it is good.
Rumbling across the silences between the stars a thought whispered,
“Joji Itam Is/Aw’te ja’wa itamjaliwaj telamji. (Little person, what bothers your deepeer spirit)
As best as my power could answer that Great Energy, it said,
Yalyu tisluji ta’ca’te Itam’is tahjamji (The Christian crusade against earth and indigenous must cease)
In the presence of the vast universe my spirit thought again and again
“There must be an ending to the disease hate
to the disease harm, and
to the disease invade
There must!”
It is true.
The damage of the invading crusade has not healed
But bleeds with a rheumatic ache
The invading forces say
“We are saviors of the wounded and bleeding”
although it is that invading force, following the will of God,
that causes the constant blood flow of indigenous
and gaping wounds to Mother Earth
With words infected with conniving, they make their existence seem necessary
It is not
The cannon, the sword, and the crusade-thought that moved the hand to butcher
indigenous and this land was never welcomed to this hemisphere
or anywhere in the autochthonous world
It is yet unwanted and is an invasion mentality that must be erased from memory.
As a distant voice thundered across forever
My translation is:
“Crusade is beyond strange. It takes with bullets that which it can have with love
Vanity came to live in their hearts
Vanity is lonely
Vanity is frightened and frantic”
It is true
Many ships went out from Spain searching for gold and silver to steal
The Spanish crown needed gold
to purchase an army
to march upon Jerusalem and destroy the Muslims,
at once and forever
It is also true
Power is hay’dutsi (thinking, pondering)
As we were instructed in my childhood
I will go out to the dawn
and seek again and again,** kennemumwa.
Sul’ma’ejote, 01-29-10
* Pukamuka (Wonderful, wise people who walked earth before us)
** Kennemumwa (Beyond forever)
(Small light before dawn)
Sunrise yet a dream
Venus still planning her ascent.
Jupiter hurrying west.
On the other side, Moon followed Sun along their ancient path.
My sleep was not of dreams but of worry
As *Pukamuka instructed us, my spirit went out to visit the vast universe
to scatter my bothers as the stars were scattered long ago
The power in the vastness churned and dreamed and breathed
and it is good.
Rumbling across the silences between the stars a thought whispered,
“Joji Itam Is/Aw’te ja’wa itamjaliwaj telamji. (Little person, what bothers your deepeer spirit)
As best as my power could answer that Great Energy, it said,
Yalyu tisluji ta’ca’te Itam’is tahjamji (The Christian crusade against earth and indigenous must cease)
In the presence of the vast universe my spirit thought again and again
“There must be an ending to the disease hate
to the disease harm, and
to the disease invade
There must!”
It is true.
The damage of the invading crusade has not healed
But bleeds with a rheumatic ache
The invading forces say
“We are saviors of the wounded and bleeding”
although it is that invading force, following the will of God,
that causes the constant blood flow of indigenous
and gaping wounds to Mother Earth
With words infected with conniving, they make their existence seem necessary
It is not
The cannon, the sword, and the crusade-thought that moved the hand to butcher
indigenous and this land was never welcomed to this hemisphere
or anywhere in the autochthonous world
It is yet unwanted and is an invasion mentality that must be erased from memory.
As a distant voice thundered across forever
My translation is:
“Crusade is beyond strange. It takes with bullets that which it can have with love
Vanity came to live in their hearts
Vanity is lonely
Vanity is frightened and frantic”
It is true
Many ships went out from Spain searching for gold and silver to steal
The Spanish crown needed gold
to purchase an army
to march upon Jerusalem and destroy the Muslims,
at once and forever
It is also true
Power is hay’dutsi (thinking, pondering)
As we were instructed in my childhood
I will go out to the dawn
and seek again and again,** kennemumwa.
Sul’ma’ejote, 01-29-10
* Pukamuka (Wonderful, wise people who walked earth before us)
** Kennemumwa (Beyond forever)
Monday, March 1, 2010
The 500-year Christian Crusade to own and control the indigenous of the Western hemisphere must stop! The indigenous and good-hearted, truth-hearted, honest- hearted citizens of the world must unite to stop it. The crusade cannot stop itself. Its superiority velocity and racist direction refuses it that knowledge.
Those who initiated the crusade against the indigenous of the world and Mother Earth have been dead for centuries and contemporary society does not hold them responsible for their evil deeds, and often still praises them. Those who continue the wicked path of crusade will not hold themselves responsible for the ugly history either. They will mutter “It is just Indians’ fate, their destiny” and turn away grinning to load their guns.
The “civilized” mentality promoted by the Pope’s myopic understanding of life and his distorted practice of granting privileges to the demented in society, allowing them to issue death warrants at will, must be annulled. It can no longer be accepted that “civilized” nations continue to ignore the assault upon earth and the massacre of indigenous populations while “civilizations” bully resources out of earth for the satisfaction of the few corporate heads and politicians at the expense of the masses of under privileged and deliberately under educated, people of the world.
Mother Earth belongs to those who work the land. Yes, with hoe and rake and fingers, for they harvest in the fall what ever dreams they planted in the spring and are a part of the purpose and intention of Mother Earth and the universe since the first days.
Indigenous and the armies of good hearts must get off our knees, unify and stand in defense of Mother Earth. The thought that earth’s resources in the “New World” were infinite is bold but archaic and continue to be redesigned and promoted by a greedy thought pattern from politically oriented people never satisfied and always famished for more.
We must defend ourselves and Earth with the powers of wisdom that we received at the moment we were born, that unlimited gift of honor, of pride, of responsibility, of duty to love Mother Earth.
At this time many of us remain bound to European imagination, shackled to foreign history fabrications, chained to regulated ignorance, and often, the lack of education. Let us not encourage this to be our future.
Aboulia is not our master and we must refrain from conducting our lives like it is. Our conduct, no matter how civilized, invites “civilization” to make hasty assumptions that indigenous are naturally autistic in a variety of degrees.
The indigenous populations of the world and those people who are human must rise up, throw off those imaginary bindings and boldly face our adversaries with the intention of overcoming this pogrom. We must end Apartheid/Democracy throughout the world and annul the design of Manifest Destiny (It is the destiny of America to rule and control the whole world) within our selves because by accepting either one of these policies we are agreeing with the distorted notion that the suggestions somehow represent that which is honorable.
The notion Manifest Destiny is only valid to the invading crusade. We must examine ourselves and beware of those words that are designed to restrict our dreams and confuse us.
The Elders of our generations instructed us to place our own feet on the proper and straight path and to assume responsibility for ourselves and those around us in need. Future generations will suffer for our apathy as indigenous are, today, suffering from the effects of apathy yesterday.
At this hour we must reprogram ourselves. Apathy must not be our companion. United we will no longer need to tolerate the force of demented government/corporate dictatorships, alone.
Because of indigenous apathy, the EuroAmericans, infected with the disease Apartheid, raced across this hemisphere from sea to shining sea, their diseases and guns picking off tribes and nations. Soon the disease ridden tribes could no longer resist and were met with fire and slaughter by the Christians. That history is being repeated daily somewhere in the world today and it will continue past tomorrow. Do we encourage this activity or do we stop it.
A beautiful woman is stepping into the street in the right of way of a speeding out of control truck driven by government/corporate reckless intention. Will apathy be our guide? That woman is our mother. She is Mother Earth.
Earth is not a possession but belongs to everyone, equally, not some one particularly. Any thought to the contrary must be amended.
Both Democracy and Manifest Destiny are unreal, fake, and fabricated by unclean hands and disturbed minds for nefarious reasons.
There is no law, no rule, no decision, in history that states indigenous must remain bound to fabrications. That is an ignoble notion of those who promote the thought that “Some people were born to rule and others were born to serve,” which translates by the ignoble that indigenous were born to serve. That thought intends for sick and tired Mother Earth to be a trembling slave producing more for indifferent creatures demanding more and more.
The Elders instructed us to go out at dawn and whisper our love to Mother Earth. They said Earth is like any mother. She worries, she gives, she can have a broken heart. She needs affection and warmth and love and she will be there for us forever. Neglected brokenhearted and sick she simply cannot perform her mother duties. A clean, true child- love will heal the earth. Bombs, bullets and bayonets will not.
Walking the honorable path of responsibility today is our duty to those who will be learning to walk tomorrow.
Sul’ma’ejote, AKA
Darryl Babe Wilson
Those who initiated the crusade against the indigenous of the world and Mother Earth have been dead for centuries and contemporary society does not hold them responsible for their evil deeds, and often still praises them. Those who continue the wicked path of crusade will not hold themselves responsible for the ugly history either. They will mutter “It is just Indians’ fate, their destiny” and turn away grinning to load their guns.
The “civilized” mentality promoted by the Pope’s myopic understanding of life and his distorted practice of granting privileges to the demented in society, allowing them to issue death warrants at will, must be annulled. It can no longer be accepted that “civilized” nations continue to ignore the assault upon earth and the massacre of indigenous populations while “civilizations” bully resources out of earth for the satisfaction of the few corporate heads and politicians at the expense of the masses of under privileged and deliberately under educated, people of the world.
Mother Earth belongs to those who work the land. Yes, with hoe and rake and fingers, for they harvest in the fall what ever dreams they planted in the spring and are a part of the purpose and intention of Mother Earth and the universe since the first days.
Indigenous and the armies of good hearts must get off our knees, unify and stand in defense of Mother Earth. The thought that earth’s resources in the “New World” were infinite is bold but archaic and continue to be redesigned and promoted by a greedy thought pattern from politically oriented people never satisfied and always famished for more.
We must defend ourselves and Earth with the powers of wisdom that we received at the moment we were born, that unlimited gift of honor, of pride, of responsibility, of duty to love Mother Earth.
At this time many of us remain bound to European imagination, shackled to foreign history fabrications, chained to regulated ignorance, and often, the lack of education. Let us not encourage this to be our future.
Aboulia is not our master and we must refrain from conducting our lives like it is. Our conduct, no matter how civilized, invites “civilization” to make hasty assumptions that indigenous are naturally autistic in a variety of degrees.
The indigenous populations of the world and those people who are human must rise up, throw off those imaginary bindings and boldly face our adversaries with the intention of overcoming this pogrom. We must end Apartheid/Democracy throughout the world and annul the design of Manifest Destiny (It is the destiny of America to rule and control the whole world) within our selves because by accepting either one of these policies we are agreeing with the distorted notion that the suggestions somehow represent that which is honorable.
The notion Manifest Destiny is only valid to the invading crusade. We must examine ourselves and beware of those words that are designed to restrict our dreams and confuse us.
The Elders of our generations instructed us to place our own feet on the proper and straight path and to assume responsibility for ourselves and those around us in need. Future generations will suffer for our apathy as indigenous are, today, suffering from the effects of apathy yesterday.
At this hour we must reprogram ourselves. Apathy must not be our companion. United we will no longer need to tolerate the force of demented government/corporate dictatorships, alone.
Because of indigenous apathy, the EuroAmericans, infected with the disease Apartheid, raced across this hemisphere from sea to shining sea, their diseases and guns picking off tribes and nations. Soon the disease ridden tribes could no longer resist and were met with fire and slaughter by the Christians. That history is being repeated daily somewhere in the world today and it will continue past tomorrow. Do we encourage this activity or do we stop it.
A beautiful woman is stepping into the street in the right of way of a speeding out of control truck driven by government/corporate reckless intention. Will apathy be our guide? That woman is our mother. She is Mother Earth.
Earth is not a possession but belongs to everyone, equally, not some one particularly. Any thought to the contrary must be amended.
Both Democracy and Manifest Destiny are unreal, fake, and fabricated by unclean hands and disturbed minds for nefarious reasons.
There is no law, no rule, no decision, in history that states indigenous must remain bound to fabrications. That is an ignoble notion of those who promote the thought that “Some people were born to rule and others were born to serve,” which translates by the ignoble that indigenous were born to serve. That thought intends for sick and tired Mother Earth to be a trembling slave producing more for indifferent creatures demanding more and more.
The Elders instructed us to go out at dawn and whisper our love to Mother Earth. They said Earth is like any mother. She worries, she gives, she can have a broken heart. She needs affection and warmth and love and she will be there for us forever. Neglected brokenhearted and sick she simply cannot perform her mother duties. A clean, true child- love will heal the earth. Bombs, bullets and bayonets will not.
Walking the honorable path of responsibility today is our duty to those who will be learning to walk tomorrow.
Sul’ma’ejote, AKA
Darryl Babe Wilson
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Blog Note
Feb 12, 2010
Greetings, my blog page has been dormant for several reasons, mostly because I spent much time in the hospital and got out in worse shape than I entered. My toe was infected then amputated. While recuperating in the hospital I caught an unknown disease (something that has been mutating since Columbus and Cortes) and was another month getting through that affliction. Me being an old dog, it has taken much rehab to get me strong enough to pursue life, but I am now doing that. But before this commotion began, my word processor crashed. It has been a trial recently.
There are two projects I am working on.
I am developing a book for children to read to their parents and grandparents or other children facing “death.” It is about the “Journey of Life” we were put upon while we yet lived I the-land-beyond-the-stars. Some of the creation of this earth, according to indigenous legends, will be presented as well as old lessons involving Coyote, and the wisdom that has passed from generation to generation since we departed the land-beyond- the-stars. At the core, it is about the continuation of life, life never ending but changing as it journeys past forever..
Currently I am working with community children. They are doing the cover and other art, and a second grade girl will be the editor. She will show me how she would say something as opposed to how I would say it (particularly to “Gramma”). She will make other appropriate suggestions and corrections.
The working title is, “DEAR GRAMMA” but nothing is set in granite yet.
Many of us are weary of the 500-year Crusade the Christian “civilized” world put upon nature and life during the massive American land grab of this hemisphere and the genocide of indigenous by the intruding hordes, coupled with history lies and the cover up tactic.
The current explanation for the millions of murders and torture amid a gargantuan amount of atrocities perpetrated by the horde of intruders upon this hemisphere is, “The Indians got a raw deal.” The “raw deal” is not over, it has never abated, so “got” is the improper tense for the verb. There has been no attempt by the invading hordes to justly end the “raw deal.” The “raw deal” continues and with new velocity, daily.
Our children do not deserve another 500-years of “raw deal,” but that is what we are promoting if we do not use our thought-dream power, unite as one body with one voice and take appropriate steps to correct the situation. Being apathetic to future has never been an indigenous goal. I am convinced that it is long past time for 500-years of “raw deal” to visit the intruding hordes, their offensive form of government and their corporate monsters.
Greetings, my blog page has been dormant for several reasons, mostly because I spent much time in the hospital and got out in worse shape than I entered. My toe was infected then amputated. While recuperating in the hospital I caught an unknown disease (something that has been mutating since Columbus and Cortes) and was another month getting through that affliction. Me being an old dog, it has taken much rehab to get me strong enough to pursue life, but I am now doing that. But before this commotion began, my word processor crashed. It has been a trial recently.
There are two projects I am working on.
I am developing a book for children to read to their parents and grandparents or other children facing “death.” It is about the “Journey of Life” we were put upon while we yet lived I the-land-beyond-the-stars. Some of the creation of this earth, according to indigenous legends, will be presented as well as old lessons involving Coyote, and the wisdom that has passed from generation to generation since we departed the land-beyond- the-stars. At the core, it is about the continuation of life, life never ending but changing as it journeys past forever..
Currently I am working with community children. They are doing the cover and other art, and a second grade girl will be the editor. She will show me how she would say something as opposed to how I would say it (particularly to “Gramma”). She will make other appropriate suggestions and corrections.
The working title is, “DEAR GRAMMA” but nothing is set in granite yet.
Many of us are weary of the 500-year Crusade the Christian “civilized” world put upon nature and life during the massive American land grab of this hemisphere and the genocide of indigenous by the intruding hordes, coupled with history lies and the cover up tactic.
The current explanation for the millions of murders and torture amid a gargantuan amount of atrocities perpetrated by the horde of intruders upon this hemisphere is, “The Indians got a raw deal.” The “raw deal” is not over, it has never abated, so “got” is the improper tense for the verb. There has been no attempt by the invading hordes to justly end the “raw deal.” The “raw deal” continues and with new velocity, daily.
Our children do not deserve another 500-years of “raw deal,” but that is what we are promoting if we do not use our thought-dream power, unite as one body with one voice and take appropriate steps to correct the situation. Being apathetic to future has never been an indigenous goal. I am convinced that it is long past time for 500-years of “raw deal” to visit the intruding hordes, their offensive form of government and their corporate monsters.
Blog Note
Feb 12, 2010
Greetings, my blog page has been dormant for several reasons, mostly because I spent much time in the hospital and got out in worse shape than I entered. My toe was infected then amputated. While recuperating in the hospital I caught an unknown disease (something that has been mutating since Columbus and Cortes) and was another month getting through that affliction. Me being an old dog, it has taken much rehab to get me strong enough to pursue life, but I am now doing that. But before this commotion began, my word processor crashed. It has been a trial recently.
There are two projects I am working on.
I am developing a book for children to read to their parents and grandparents or other children facing “death.” It is about the “Journey of Life” we were put upon while we yet lived I the-land-beyond-the-stars. Some of the creation of this earth, according to indigenous legends, will be presented as well as old lessons involving Coyote, and the wisdom that has passed from generation to generation since we departed the land-beyond- the-stars. At the core, it is about the continuation of life, life never ending but changing as it journeys past forever..
Currently I am working with community children. They are doing the cover and other art, and a second grade girl will be the editor. She will show me how she would say something as opposed to how I would say it (particularly to “Gramma”). She will make other appropriate suggestions and corrections.
The working title is, “DEAR GRAMMA” but nothing is set in granite yet.
Many of us are weary of the 500-year Crusade the Christian “civilized” world put upon nature and life during the massive American land grab of this hemisphere and the genocide of indigenous by the intruding hordes, coupled with history lies and the cover up tactic.
The current explanation for the millions of murders and torture amid a gargantuan amount of atrocities perpetrated by the horde of intruders upon this hemisphere is, “The Indians got a raw deal.” The “raw deal” is not over, it has never abated, so “got” is the improper tense for the verb. There has been no attempt by the invading hordes to justly end the “raw deal.” The “raw deal” continues and with new velocity, daily.
Our children do not deserve another 500-years of “raw deal,” but that is what we are promoting if we do not use our thought-dream power, unite as one body with one voice and take appropriate steps to correct the situation. Being apathetic to future has never been an indigenous goal. I am convinced that it is long past time for 500-years of “raw deal” to visit the intruding hordes, their offensive form of government and their corporate monsters.
Greetings, my blog page has been dormant for several reasons, mostly because I spent much time in the hospital and got out in worse shape than I entered. My toe was infected then amputated. While recuperating in the hospital I caught an unknown disease (something that has been mutating since Columbus and Cortes) and was another month getting through that affliction. Me being an old dog, it has taken much rehab to get me strong enough to pursue life, but I am now doing that. But before this commotion began, my word processor crashed. It has been a trial recently.
There are two projects I am working on.
I am developing a book for children to read to their parents and grandparents or other children facing “death.” It is about the “Journey of Life” we were put upon while we yet lived I the-land-beyond-the-stars. Some of the creation of this earth, according to indigenous legends, will be presented as well as old lessons involving Coyote, and the wisdom that has passed from generation to generation since we departed the land-beyond- the-stars. At the core, it is about the continuation of life, life never ending but changing as it journeys past forever..
Currently I am working with community children. They are doing the cover and other art, and a second grade girl will be the editor. She will show me how she would say something as opposed to how I would say it (particularly to “Gramma”). She will make other appropriate suggestions and corrections.
The working title is, “DEAR GRAMMA” but nothing is set in granite yet.
Many of us are weary of the 500-year Crusade the Christian “civilized” world put upon nature and life during the massive American land grab of this hemisphere and the genocide of indigenous by the intruding hordes, coupled with history lies and the cover up tactic.
The current explanation for the millions of murders and torture amid a gargantuan amount of atrocities perpetrated by the horde of intruders upon this hemisphere is, “The Indians got a raw deal.” The “raw deal” is not over, it has never abated, so “got” is the improper tense for the verb. There has been no attempt by the invading hordes to justly end the “raw deal.” The “raw deal” continues and with new velocity, daily.
Our children do not deserve another 500-years of “raw deal,” but that is what we are promoting if we do not use our thought-dream power, unite as one body with one voice and take appropriate steps to correct the situation. Being apathetic to future has never been an indigenous goal. I am convinced that it is long past time for 500-years of “raw deal” to visit the intruding hordes, their offensive form of government and their corporate monsters.
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